Spring Revolution Daily News for 11 June 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· Somewhere in the Southern Military Region, Drone Training Batch (7) was completed on 7 June.

· In Adelaide of Australia, Minister of Foreign Affairs- NUG met with Myanmar community at Playford Baptist Church Hall.

· In Yangon Military Region of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) under Ministry of Defence-NUG, the focal person of regional operations Comrade Deiwa shared political guidance and experiences related to the revolution with new members on Sunday.

· In Southern Military Region under Ministry of Defence-NUG, Saw Nagar Drone Force provided training to 40 members of the revolution forces based in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi Region.

· The Secretary of Ministry of Defence-NUG attended the opening ceremony of the Monsoon Campaign for 5,000 Bullets by Kawa Township PDF in Bago Region.

· The Way Musical Family supported 10 lakh MMK for the procurement of medical supplies to Shwebo District PDF (9) in Sagaing Region.

· In Yebyu Township of Tanintharyi Region, the mortars fired by the junta’s navy fell and exploded in Yarphu Ywarthit Village. Consequently, 3 family members including a 6-month-old baby lost their lives and a child aged 9 was injured.

· Ministry of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Risks Management-NUG stated that heavy rain would continue in lower Myanmar including Rakhine State and coastal areas, and thus the public are cautioned to take care of floods and landslides.

· In Minkin Township of Sagaing Region, the junta army has been conducting aerial bombings constantly. According to Local Public’s Administration, public gatherings and the NUG schools have been closed temporarily starting from 6 June.

Revolution Activities

· In Yinmabin Township of Sagaing Region, a rally of People’s Strength protested against the junta’s Military Service Law.

· In Yinmabin North, a rally of local villages marched against the military dictatorship on Monday.

· In Salingyi Township, a social group donated tarpaulins to the displaced people.

· In Kalay, the junta soldiers and police arrested young people swimming at Mingyi Hotel on Sunday. Reportedly, they freed some youth under the age of 18, some others with the pledge for military service and took away the others above 18 for military training.

· In Pinlebu, there were attacks on the junta camps. Afterwards, the junta soldiers set fire to people’s houses and office buildings in town on Monday morning.

· In Pakkoku Township of Magway Region, a junta policeman from Kamma Oil and Gas Distribution Office, along with weapons, defected to local PDF at about 9:00 am on 2 June.

· In Aunglan Township, the junta army has recruited the youth by force. Regarding it, Local PDF announced on Sunday that they would take action against the junta members.

· In Yesagyo Township, the junta army (257) killed a person and fired heavy weapons. Consequently, local people had to run away.

· In Kyaikto Township of Mon State, the revolution forces attacked junta troops on their way to Moatpalin Village on Saturday. Reportedly, 4 junta soldiers and a civilian were injured.

· The military junta has bought hundreds of Chinese agricultural drones for military operations and distributed them to their forces.

· In Maryland State of the U.S, the pre-birthday party of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was conducted in Potomac, along with the book signing ceremony of An Unlikely Prisoner by Sean Turnell, on Sunday.

· According to Justice for Myanmar, Australian Company Cornerstone Resources, in cooperation with the military junta, has been doing mining business and reservoir projects.

· In Titain Township with local battles in Chin State, the junta army blew up Man Saung Suspension Bridge. Reportedly, Titain-India trade flow came to a stop.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· Breaking the ceasefire negotiated by China, the junta army conducted an aerial bombing and fired heavy weapons into the camp of Ta’ang National Liberation Army in Moemait Township on Sunday evening. Reportedly, some TNLA members were injured.

· In Winemaw Township of Kachin State, there was fighting between Kachin Independence Army and the junta army on Monday.

· The spokesperson of the Arakan Army stated that successive military dictators had just succeeded in complete destruction and they had never admitted their mistakes including killings to the public.

· In Yebyu Township of Tanintharyi Region, there was a local battle between the junta army and the revolution forces on the afternoon of 8 June. According to the spokesperson of Mon State Revolution Force, 6 junta soldiers died and 4 others were injured.

· The junta army has been trying to regain control of Yay-Dawei Road Section. According to MSRF on Sunday, the revolution forces along the road have also been preparing for counter attacks.

The Military Council

· On Sunday morning, the junta leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing offered cars to the monks from State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee.

· Starting from 16 June, the tolls for No. (3) Thanlyin Bridge would be collected.

· According to the junta’s Central Bank, the risks-based inspection in gems, gold and real estate sectors had gained a good result among the criteria of the Financial Action Task Force.

· On Monday morning, Yangon Gold Enterprise Association opened the price to be 46.5 lakh MMK for a tical, over 100,000 MMK less than the closing price of Saturday.

· According to the junta’s Myanmar Railway, they have called open tenders for the construction of two stations to upgrade Yangon City Train.

· According to the junta Ministry of Education, MRTV will broadcast the matriculation exam results of the students from remote regions.

· For the workers who return home on leave, Overseas Work Identification Cards would be issued to them only if they could show the proof of financial transfers in local bank accounts.

· On Sunday morning, Bangladesh sent back 134 junta members who had run away from battles against the AA in Rakhine State.

· Among over 20 young people arrested by the junta army while swimming at a hotel in Kalay, no less than 10 of them were released with the promise for military service and the rest were not freed yet.

Summary on 11 June

· The junta leader was present at religious ceremonies. Simultaneously, his soldiers had a great loss in every battle and they even had to run to other countries. On the other hand, the junta’s police ship failed to rescue the border guard police and families. Instead, they just opened fire,

causing anger among the police community. At such time, the junta leader buttered up the monks by donating luxurious cars.