Young men forcibly recruited from swimming pool in Sagaing’s Kalay Town


Over 20 young people were detained by junta troops at a hotel swimming pool in Kalay town, Kalay Township, Sagaing Region, on 9 June.

The detentions occurred around 2:00 pm at the Mingyi Hotel swimming pool in Thazin Ward, a popular spot for weekend vacationers.

“On 10 June, at least ten of the detainees were released after their parents pledged that they would serve in the military if the junta summoned them to serve, while the remaining individuals are still being held”, said a local resident.

According to eyewitnesses the young men got into a dispute with three other men at the pool. Following the dispute hotel staff asked the three men to leave. The three men then reported the incident to a nearby military checkpoint. A few hours later, junta troops arrived and detained the young men, taking them to the Kalay Regional Military Command.

Residents believe the detentions were based on a false report that People’s Defence Force (PDF) members were present at the hotel.

It is not known exactly how many of the young men are still detained and how many have been released.

Currently, junta troops are carrying out random inspections in Kalay Town and there have been reports of forced recruitment of young people from other townships in the area. On 10 June, some young people in Kalay Town’s Chan Myae Aung Si Ward were taken for medical examinations.

There is speculation amongst locals that six people from each ward in Kalay Town will be conscripted.

The National Unity Government (NUG) and ethnic armed groups opposing the junta have condemned the law as illegal and say it is a tactic to incite further conflict.

Despite the junta’s denial of forced conscription, reports of difficulties in recruitment and subsequent forced conscriptions continue to circulate.