Myanmar jade worth about US$4 billion exported to China in 2022


The report issued by a watchdog organization said that jade worth about US$4 billion was exported to China in 2022.

The report titled ‘Study and Analysis of export of Myanmar mineral and gems’ was released on 21 July.

In 2021, jade worth about US$1 billion was exported to China and then this export value increased to about US$4 billion in 2022.

According to the trade figures released by the UNComtrade and China Customs Department, Myanmar earned over US$3.4 billion from export of mineral and gems in 2021 and then it increased to over US$6.2 billion in 2022.

In this mineral and gems sector, jade export is the largest and other minerals tin, rare-earth, copper, nickel and other gems share this export value in descending order.

Jade export to China in the period from January to the end of May 2023 has reportedly earned over US$731 million.

Myanmar Gems Enterprise (MGE) has held the gems emporiums three times since February 2021 until today but they did not disclose how much they received from the sale of these gemstones.

The gems emporiums which are one of the income sources of the military junta were held in Naypyitaw, the capital city.

But it is learned that these gem emporiums were not successful because of boycotts by some countries.

Myanmar Gems Enterprise (MGE) run by the junta is included in the targeted sanction list of the UK and US.