HURFOM: Rapidly Deteriorating Human Rights Situation in Burma Demands Action and Accountability

Human Rights Situation in Burma

In its monthly report on the situation in southeast Myanmar the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) has detailed problems facing the population in the area and recommendations of what should be done.

HURFOM listed 10 problems currently faced by the civilian population in southeast Myanmar and across the country generally. These are:

1. Inflation across all target areas has devastatingly affected civilians who cannot meet their basic needs.

2. Mon women’s groups are warning of increased child sexual abuse incidents in villages across Mon State with no action being taken by the authorities.

3. Clashes have led to forced internal displacement in Burma as instability and tensions move people from their homes.

4. Police and junta-backed militias continue to initiate door-to-door checks and arrest those on their wanted lists.

5. Motorcycles, mobile devices, and money are confiscated and extorted from civilians at checkpoints stationed by the junta deliberately along critical routes. Civilians are forced to pay excessive bribes to retrieve their possessions. However, very few were able to afford the high costs.

6. Torture remains rampant in Burma and across target areas where innocent civilians are subjected to gruelling, horrifying acts by the junta to extract information.

7. The international community, including UN bodies and ASEAN, is not responding swiftly enough to the situation in Burma, which demands urgent attention and consequences for the junta.

8. Military impunity remains deeply ingrained in the institutions representing the Tatmadaw, which only encourages the junta to continue perpetrating human rights violations.

9 Children are targeted by the military junta and deprived of basic needs, including medical attention, food, education, and the right to live safely.

10. The junta’s arbitrary arrests and unlawful detention are ongoing, as are warrantless raids and indiscriminate firing into civilian areas.

the HURFOM report also made eight recommendations for action that international actors can take to help improve the situation in Myanmar. These were:

1. A referral of the situation on the ground in Burma is to be made immediately by the United Nations Security Council to the International Criminal Court.

2. Concerted and coordinated action by global actors for an urgently mandated global arms embargo which would prevent the free flow of weapons into the hands of the murderous junta.

3. Aviation fuel sanctions to put an effective end to the airstrikes in Burma, which have contributed to significant loss of life, particularly among innocent civilians.

4. Targeted sanctions on military junta officials and their families and holds on their financial assets and possessions undercut their ability to conduct corrupt business dealings abroad.

5. Strengthened and renewed protection mechanisms grant civilians who are vulnerable and at risk of assault a position where they can access justice referral and accountability pathways.

6. Renewed and continued funding support for local organizations responding to the needs of their communities on the ground. Cross- border aid pathways must be accessed, and all humanitarian aid in the hands of local actors.

7. Foreign investors in Burma must immediately cease their operations and withdraw their involvement from all development projects in the country, including but not limited to airports, seaports, and cement businesses.

8. An abrupt and immediate halt to the use of torture by the military junta, and further, we call for investigations to probe the unlawful deaths of civilians in Burma who have been tortured to death, as well as those who have been forced to endure trauma and long-term injuries as a result.