Spring Revolution Daily News for 6 October 2023

Spring Revolution

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In an event on World Teachers’ Day, Acting President of the NUG stated that the teachers from the education sector had joined the Civil Disobedience Movement in the Spring Revolution. He also congratulated the large number of CDM teachers, resisting the military dictatorship despite various hardships.

· On World Teachers’ Day, Union Prime Minister of the NUG expressed their sincere thanks to the CDM teachers and volunteers who have been making an effort to support the interim education programmes implemented by Ministry of Education-NUG.

· In Khin-U Township of Sagaing Region, Ministry of Women, Youth and Children-NUG provided nutritious food and stationery to displaced children.

· On Tuesday, there was a meeting via video conferencing between Committee Representing Pyitaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and Myanmar’s Women Parliament Network. They discussed potential future cooperation to promote the role of the women and youth in politics and establishment of a federal democratic union in the future.

· The NUG called for international, regional and individual legal action against the military junta.

· In the press conference, Minister of Human Rights-NUG stated that nearly 500 children aged under 18 had lost lives due to violent activities of the junta armed forces.

Revolution Activities

· In Laykaykaw New Town of Kayin State, there has been volleys of ammunition fired since 7:00 am Thursday.

· In Dibeyin Township of Sagaing Region, the junta army raided Bagan Village. They also burned the public’s cars.

· In Shwebo Township, local revolution forces attacked Pyusawti members in Thilone Village demanding 50,000MMK from the people who cannot be on watch duty.

· In Indaw Township, there was a battle between All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) and the junta army on Wednesday. Reportedly, there were casualties among junta soldiers.

· In Myaung, there were bomb attacks on the two camps of the junta army including the local police station. Reportedly, there were casualties among junta members.

· In Butalin Township, there were battles between Freedom Revolution Force and the junta army in September. Reportedly, about 10 junta soldiers died and many weapons were confiscated.

· On Thursday, a combined rally of Salingyi and Yinmabin marched against the military dictatorship.

· In Oatpho Township of Bago Region, a junta administrator was assassinated on his way back from the military training.

· In Salin Township of Magwe Region, there was a mine attack on the junta police on motorbikes on their patrol.

· The International Labor Organization announced that Myanmar failed to follow the provisions related to free organization and assembly.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· In Titain Township of Chin State, PDF Zoland (B- 5) Mountain Eagle restricted the time to pass the area under their control on the India-Myanmar border trade route.

The Military Council

· In August, the military junta appointed 4 captains from the junta army to be supervisors in the Trade Department under the Ministry of Economics and Commerce.

· According to a 2023 report by Freedom House, Myanmar became the most terrible internet-restricted country after China in the world.

· In Myitkyina of Kachin State, the military junta arrested two administration officers of the Kachin Independence Organization and their associates.

· The Chair of Kachin State Military Council stated that they would take more action against the squatters on the farmland in Myitkyina.

· In Phyuu Township of Bago Region, a mine was found on the Yangon-Mandalay Railroad. The junta propaganda newspaper claimed that they had to clear it off.

· The defence industries owned by the government of Indonesia denied that they had supported and sold weapons to the junta army in Myanmar.

Summary on 6 October

· The international companies and the international governments in association with the military junta have been defamed and criticized in the international community.

· The freedom of expression has been oppressed in Myanmar. There have been cases with long-term imprisonments to those who expressed their sorrow on social media for the loss of children due to the violent army or who wrote about the closing of their shop for the day against the military dictatorship.