Spring Revolution Daily News for 12 January 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· Ministry of Defence- NUG announced that 25 junta soldiers had died and a large number of weapons had been confiscated in the battle to seize the camp of the junta army and Pyusawti in Tinngotegyi Village of Kantbalu Township in Sagaing Region.

· Under Naypyi Taw Military Region in the Mid-Region Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence- NUG, Sittaung Urban Guerrillas and Unit (805) have called on the public to contribute to their 1,000 lakh Campaign for two cars which they need for their joint operation.

· In a statement for Karen New Year’s Day, the Committee Representing the Pyitaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) vowed that it would keep its commitment to all the ethnic groups including the Karen in the Union to build a federal democratic nation without the military dictatorship.

· On Karen New Year’s Day, the NUG stated that the Karen ethnic people would keep joining hands with the revolutionary forces from all over the country until the downfall of the military dictatorship and the establishment of a federal democracy that enjoys full equality and self-determination.

· In an interview with Mizzima, the Deputy Minister of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Risks Management- NUG stated that they had provided financial support to the victims of junta air strikes in Kanan Village of Tamu Township in Sagaing Region.

Revolutionary Activities

· In Ywar Ngan Township of Southern Shan State, local PDFs and the Magic King Column assassinated a local leader of the junta’s Pyusawti Militia in Taunggyar Village.

· In Yinmabin Township of Sagaing Region, local defence forces conducted an attack with mortars on a camp of the Pyusawti Militia in Bantbwe Village at 6:15 pm on Wednesday.

· In Yinmabin Township, a rally of combined villages, along with local people, carried out a farm strike against the military dictatorship on Wednesday morning.

· In the western part of Khin-U Township, there was a local battle between the junta armed forces a combined force of PDFs.

· In Yinmabin Township, a local rally named ‘Let’s never get back in this revolution’ marched against the military dictatorship on Thursday.

· On their 1,022 day of protest, a combined rally of local villages from Yinmabin and Salingyi conducted an anti-junta movement on a farm.

· In a 2023 report by the Burmese Women’s Union (BWU) on 9 January, it was mentioned that Myanmar women have continued to actively take part in protests and movements intended for the downfall of the military dictatorship.

· In Natoegyi Township of Mandalay Region, local PDFs conducted four attacks on the junta army and Pyusawti including their inspection camp on the Yangon-Mandalay Highway, on the same day.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· In his greetings on Karen New Year which falls on Thursday, the Chair of the Karen National Union stated that there is only one option left; to take up arms, for the end of the military dictatorship and to protest against military coups.

· In Pekone in Southern Shan State, a combination of revolutionary forces took control of the junta camp on Taidawmu Pagoda Hill. Reportedly, they also gained control inside the town.

· In Moemait Township and Hsipaw Township of Northern Shan State, there have been ongoing battles between the junta army and Ta’ang National Liberation Army.

· Suffering great losses in battle, the military junta has attacked civilians, buildings and cultural heritage sites, according to the Three Brotherhood of Northern Alliance.

The Military Council

· The junta spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun claimed on Tuesday that it would fight back as the armed forces insulted the religion in addition to fighting for the territory.

· In Naungcho Township of Northern Shan State, the junta army conducted an aerial bombing via fighter jet on Thonese Village when there was no fighting in the area. Reportedly, a local resident lost their life.

· The junta leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said that it was a great honor for Karen people who had fought for the independence of the country to throw off colonialism.

· There was a meeting between H.E. Mr. Alounkeo Kittikhoun, the Special Envoy to Myanmar appointed by the ASEAN Chair, and the junta leader Min Aung Hlaing in the Diplomat Hall in Naypyi Taw.

Summary on 12 January

· With military losses, the junta army has been attacking civilians and destroying cultural heritage sites using airstrikes and heavy weapons in the towns and camps seized by the revolutionary forces.