Spring Revolution Daily News for 13 February 2024

Spring Revolution Daily News 13 Feb

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· On the 77th Panglong Agreement Day, the Acting President of the NUG stated that it is necessary to be united and support activities and agreements that do not derail from the goals such as the end of the military dictatorship and the establishment of a federal democratic union.

· According to the Ministry of Defence- NUG, about 70 junta soldiers died in attacks on the junta armed forces in Zayatgyi of Tandabin Township in Bago Region, including Ka-La-Ya (73). Reportedly, the buildings were destroyed and important documents were confiscated along with weapons.

· In Oatpho Township of Bago Region, local defence force seized the junta’s camps on Minhla Dam. Reportedly, 15 junta soldiers died and a second sergeant was caught alive with weapons.

· The second sergeant, who had been injured by gunshots and caught alive in the battle on Minhla Dam, died on Monday morning while receiving medical treatment.

· In Gantgaw Township of Magwe Region, four Pyusawti members defected to the People’s Defence Force, along with weapons.

Revolutionary Activities

· In Tamu Township of Sagaing Region, Kuki PDF took control of the junta’s Aung Zay Ya Camp on Saturday after two days of attack.

· In Monywa, the junta army has been arresting young people. Reportedly, the town was deserted on Monday.

· Even amidst tight security measures by the junta army in Yinmabin Township, there was a rally against the military dictatorship on Monday.

· In Chaung-U Township, the junta army on the Monywa-Mandalay Road has been inspecting and arresting young people. The PDFs warned youths to be cautious.

· In Sagaing, there was an attack with two grenades on the junta’s investigation office at 7:40 pm Sunday. Reportedly, the building was damaged.

· In Ye-U Township, the junta army has carried out another invasion. Consequently, over 3,000 people from 9 local villages have had to run away.

· In Boatpyin Township of Tanintharyi Region, two men from Kawyegyi Village were shot by a member of the junta’s Militia at about 7:00 am Sunday. Reportedly, one of them lost their life.

· In Kyaikto Township of Mon State, there were drone bomb attacks on the junta’s inspection gates at Moatpalin Crossroads and Sittaung Bridge.

· On Saturday morning, the junta army conducted aerial bombings and fired heavy weapons on Sisai in Southern Shan State. Reportedly, 7 religious buildings and nearly 50 houses were damaged.

· Eagle Force based in Shan State expressed their honour for the 77th Union Day on Monday.

· On Monday, the last draft of the constitution of the Public’s Representatives Committee for Federalism was released. Reportedly, the PRCF is comprised of 12 ethnic political parties.

· After releasing the Law on Military Service, the military junta has forced young people to join the army. At the same time, revolutionary forces have been recruiting new members.

Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs)

· The Arakan Army stated that it had told the junta armed forces in Rakhine State to give up arms and that it would attack every force which fails to do so.

· In Rakhine State, the AA seized Mrauk-U. It then released photos of the weapons confiscated from the junta’s Ka-Ma-Ya (377) and Ka-Ma-Ya (378).

· In Kyauktaw Township of Rakhine State, the AA released photos of sinking of three military ships near Apaukwa Village.

· On Sunday, the AA announced that the junta army had killed 9 civilians including the former journalists Ko Pho Thiha and Ko Kyaw Zan Wai in Mrauk-U Township of Rakhine State.

· On Sunday, the junta army conducted an aerial bombing from fighter jets on Kyauktaw and Kitsapanaddy Bridge on the Yangon-Sittway Road.

· In Myitgyina Township of Kachin State, the Kachin Independence Army took control of Hsinbo Town.

· In Hpakant Township of Kachin State, the KIA carried out a guerrilla attack on the junta army invading Nanttain Area at about 7:00 am on Sunday. Reportedly, there were a large number of casualties among junta soldiers, including officers.

· The Chief Military Officer of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army stated that the political aspirations of the Ta’ang people had been realised.

The Military Council

· In a statement to the 77th Union Day, the junta leader Min Aung Hlaing mentioned that some ethnic armed organisations, along with the propaganda of superpower countries, have been carrying out local battles to destroy the interests of the nation.

· On Sunday, the military junta released the second amendment to the Law on Disciplinary Action to the Myanmar Police Force.

· In the propaganda media, the junta propaganda leader Zaw Min Tun stated that the junta’s adoption of the Law on Public Military Service was to fight the PDFs and the EAOs.

· People buying air tickets and taking flights in Tanintharyi Region need to obtain a recommendation letter from township/ ward/ village administrators, according to a secret junta order.

· According to the junta’s Ministry of Economics and Commerce, various kinds of beans were exported for over 1,100 million USD in 2023-24 fiscal year.

· According to the junta’s Labour Department, over 30 agencies failed to send lists of workers sent abroad in January.

· In Mandalay, an unknown group of armed people placed papers containing propaganda to stimulate hatred for Rakhine ethnics and create racial conflicts.

Summary on 13 February

· With great losses, the military junta can no longer control Rakhine State. It has had to let go of many towns. They have also lost their soldiers and weapons.