Spring Revolution Daily News for 18 February 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

  • On Friday, the NUG welcomed the participation of New Mon State Party in the fight against the military dictatorship.
  • At 1:00 pm Friday, there was a meeting between the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public’s Administration and Township People’s Administration from Sagaing Region.
  • In Paukkaung Township of Bago Region, there was a mine attack on the junta soldiers and police on Nyaungwun Road in Taungle Village. Reportedly, a junta member died and two others were seriously injured.
  • In Magway Region, a junta sergeant from Saw Myoma Police Station, along with weapons, joined local PDF on 11 February.

Revolution Activities

  • On Friday morning, the junta army burnt a bridge connecting public’s houses in Yama Village to the town of Kawlin in Sagaing Region.
  • In Taze Township, the military junta conducted aerial bombings on Taze-Kalaywa-Mahamyaing Road for three consecutive days from 14 to 16 February. Consequently, the road section has been temporarily closed, according to local PDF.
  • In Ayadaw Township, the revolution forces carried out a bomb attack via drone on a junta troop of about 60 soldiers invading Kyungbopin Village at 12:30 pm Friday.
  • In Yinmabin Township, a rally named ‘Let’s Never Get Back in This Revolution’ marched against the military dictatorship on Saturday.
  • In Shwebo Township, there was a bomb attack via drone on a junta troop invading Chipa Village at about 8:00 pm Wednesday.
  • Even amidst lack of security, a local rally named ‘Red Peacock with the Victory Flag’ protested against the military dictatorship on Friday.
  • In Dibeyin, there were bomb attacks via drone on the junta’s police station and accountant office on Friday afternoon. Reportedly, no less than five junta soldiers died.
  • In Kyankhine Township of Ayeyarwady Region, a local strike committee led an anti-junta protest on Friday night.
  • In Gantgaw Township of Magway Region, the junta army arrested 19 people from Thintaw Village on Wednesday. So far, they have been out of contact.
  • In Pyin Oo Lwin Township of Mandalay Region, the junta army raided Aung Chan Thar Village and arrested young people. They also shot dead a young man named Ko Wai Yan on Thursday night.
  • In Tanintharyi Township of Tanintharyi Region, Burmese Students’ Union had an educational discussion about protection measures against the junta’s air strikes.
  • In Beelin of Mon State, there was a bomb explosion at the junta’s electricity department in Myoma Ward on Thursday morning. Reportedly, a staff member got injured.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

  • The Arakan Army released the photos of the weapons seized from three junta army units based in Minbya of Rakhine State.
  • In Maungtaw, the AA took control of the junta’s Bawdhigone Camp within one day. Reportedly, 14 junta soldiers died and weapons were confiscated.
  • In Maungtaw Township, the AA carried out a guerrilla attack on the junta army invading Pandawbyin Muslim Village on Friday afternoon. Reportedly, over 30 junta soldiers died.
  • In the area under Karen National Union Brigade (5) in Kayin State, 17 junta soldiers including an officer died in local battles until mid-February.
  • In Sisai and Hopone Townships of Southern Shan State, there were local battles. According to Pa-O National Liberation Army, a junta soldier was caught alive with weapons.

The Military Council

  • On Friday, the junta leader claimed that insufficient edible oil should not have happened as there are adequate resources to produce it in the country.
  • According to the junta’s ministry of Defence, a committee was set up to summon reserve members.
  • According to the junta’s Minister of Defence, those who suspend their public’s military service must serve their duty without fail even if they reach beyond the limited age.
  • In Boatpyin Township of Tanintharyi Region, the junta’s Ministry of Natural Resources regarded the area of 4,435 acres as Htinme Conservation Area, starting from 15 February.
  • On Friday, Mon Progressive Party applied for the registration as a political party.
  • Despite the instruction to the companies not to sell electric vehicles and related equipment via pre-order sales, some of them continue to do so. Therefore, the junta’s committee issued another warning.
  • The military junta issued an urgent instruction to collect the list of non-CDM staff eligible for military service throughout the country including Yangon Region, within three days.
  • In Pathein District of Ayeyarwady Region, the military junta instructed their administers to collect one person per ward and five people per village tract for public’s military service.
  • In Rakhine State, the junta army destroyed Kyaukgyi Pauk Bridge and Ma-I Bridge after they had left the town of Ma-I.

Summary on 18 February

  • The junta leader failed to find out why the agriculture and livestock sectors do not succeed. Instead, he just blamed for less productivity. Despite being an agricultural country, Myanmar faces such negative consequences of vague policies and insufficient infrastructure due to political instability and conflicts. That’s why the country is not able to produce excellent products in spite of having enough resources.