Spring Revolution Daily News for 19 February 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In Sagaing Region, the Pale Township People’s Administration provided support to those who ran away from Zee Phyugone Village and Inmati Village under the Pyusawti Militia.

· In Gantgaw Township of Magwe Region, the junta army has been invading the area. Therefore, the local People’s Administration warned people to take be cautious.

· On Friday, the NUG expressed its honour to the New Mon State Party for cooperating in the fight against the military dictatorship.

· According to the Union Minister of Foreign Affairs- NUG, the military junta in Myanmar does not understand the path of non-violence path so the people have had to use force.

· In Sagaing Region, the junta army has invaded the town of Kawlin with a large number of ground and air attacks. According to the spokesperson of the NUG President’s Office, the revolutionary forces have had to retreat temporarily as they have to take into consideration the security of the public.

· Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations U Kyaw Moe Tun called on the UN Security Council to make an action-oriented decision as the military junta has failed to follow Resolution 2669.

Revolutionary Activities

· In Yinmabin Township of Sagaing Region, the junta armed forces invaded the area on Sunday morning. Consequently, local people from four villages had to run away.

· In Ye-U Township, the junta army has been invading the area for nearly a week. Reportedly, thousands of local residents from over 20 villages have had to run away and they are in need of food.

· The Force For Federal Democracy-FFD called for cooperation in the revolution to stop human rights violations including the murder of children.

· In Wandwin of Mandalay Region, Nanda Kyaw, a local leader of the Pyusawti Militia, was shot dead.

· In Salingyi Township, a combined force of PDFs attacked a junta vessel on the Chindwin River near Kangone Village on Saturday afternoon.

· In Myawaddy of Karen State, some people from Lauk Kaing have been in Shwe Kukko New Town under the control of the junta’s Border Guard Force. Reportedly, there have been recruitments for online gambling called ‘Kyar Phyant’.

· In Yetashay Township of Bago Region, there was a bomb attack via drone on the junta army stationed at a bridge on the Sittaung River.

· In Hlaing Tharyar Township of Yangon Region, there were bomb explosions near the junta’s administration offices in Ward (9) and Ward (12) on Sunday morning.

· In Yinmabin Township, a local rally named ‘Public’s Strength’ marched against the military dictatorship, holding signs in support of the revolution.

Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs)

· According to Karenni Nationalities Defence Force), the junta armed forces left two of their important frontline camps based on the Salween River in Shadaw Township of Karenni State.

· In Karenni State, the Interim Executive Council of Karenni State (IEC) got started with its car transportation service.

· According to the Chin National Front on Friday, they will establish Chin State and Chin Nationality under the unity of Chin nationals.

· According to the Three Brotherhood of Northern Alliance, the junta army might have to let go of their camps in Rakhine State in the very near future due the Arakan Army offensive.

· In Karenni State, the KNDF arrested the junta soldiers who had killed children in Shadaw.

· On Sunday, the Mon State Federal Council (MSFC) called on the public to go against the junta’s Public Military Service Law in their own ways and seek protection and assistance from anti-junta forces and EAOs.

· In Sisai Township of Southern Shan State, the junta army and their militia created faked battles, firing heavy weapons. According to the Pa-O National Liberation Army, an infant and another local person lost their lives.

· In Taunggoke Township of Rakhine State, the junta army destroyed bridges near the town of Ma-I. The AA stated that such actions were to prevent them from easily entering the area.

· In Hpa-Ang Township of Karen State and Beelin Township of Mon State, the junta army conducted air strikes and shot mortars at local villages. Reportedly, two people were injured and over ten houses were damaged.

· In Special Area (1) of Shan State, a large number of workers and technicians have been in demand for the rehabilitation of the area. Therefore, the Military Administration Committee called for the opening of labour companies to obtain overseas services.

The Military Council

· The junta’s militia PNO has been recruiting by force in local villages in the south of Inle in Southern Shan State.

· In Moemait of Northern Shan State, the junta soldiers have given motorbikes to drug users to set fire to public’s houses.

· In Monywa Township of Sagaing Region, the junta army in Kyauk Sitgone fired mortars at Nyaungbin Village. Reportedly, five local people were injured and a house was damaged.

· In Kawlin of Sagaing Region, the junta soldiers have been setting fire to people’s houses and taking away their belongings.

· The junta leader said that there are a large number of former soldiers who would join the army again and non-military people who would like to serve the army to protect the country.

· In Southern Shan State, the military junta equipped a militia Pa-O National Organisation with weapons.

· The junta leader called on the nationalist extremist organisation YMBA to promote public awareness of the military service law.

Summary on 19 February

· The junta leader Min Aung Hlaing claimed that many people would like to join their army. In reality, the army has suffered great losses in human resources and they have had to revive the Public Military Service Law by force. In addition, he called for help from others to explain the law to the people. On the other hand, they have taken away and conscripted young people and non-CDM staff.