No agreement at Chinese-brokered talks between junta and Three Brotherhood Alliance


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No agreements were reached at a fourth round of Chinese-brokered talks between the Myanmar junta and ethnic armed groups from the Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State.

Representatives from the ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) that make up the Three Brotherhood Alliance, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), the Myanmar National Democratic Army (MNDAA), and the Arakan Army (AA) attended the talks.

The talks took place in Kunming, China from 1 to 3 March. Various matters were discussed, but there were no discussions regarding the fighting between the AA and the junta in Rakhine and Chin states, which do not share borders with China.

At a 4 March online press conference, the AA deputy commander-in-chief, Dr. Nyo Twan Aung, said : “Discussions between the three Brotherhood Alliance and the Military Council took place in Kunming for the fourth time. Initially, it was agreed to keep the outcome confidential. However, the discussions included topics such as border affairs, combating online scams, and addressing border checkpoint issues.”

At the third round of talks, brokered by China and held in Kunming from 10 to 11 January 2024 the Three Brotherhood Alliance and the junta agreed on a ceasefire in northern Shan State known as the Haigeng Agreement. As soon as 12 January the junta broke the agreement by attacking Three Brotherhood Alliance troops in northern Shan State, according to the Three Brotherhood Alliance.

Dr. Nyo Twan Aung said: “Our negotiations were only about the Haigeng Agreement and they only focussed on the AA troops deployed in Northern Shan State. The AA presence in Rakhine State is not part of these discussions.”

Junta spokesperson, General Zaw Min Tun, also confirmed that the focus of the meeting had been on implementing the Haigeng Agreement, but gave no further details of the discussions in a 4 March voice message.

Two earlier Chinese-brokered talks between the junta and the Three Brotherhood Alliance were held at the end of 2023.

In talks held from 11 to 13 December 2023, a temporary ceasefire for northern Shan State was agreed.

In talks held from 22 to 24 December 2024, the junta proposed a reduction in fighting in northern Shan State whilst the Three Brotherhood Alliance focussed on humanitarian relief.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance has taken control of at least 12 towns and 300 junta camps since it launched its 1027 offensive on 27 October 2023.

The AA broke a November 2022 ceasefire with the junta in November 2023. Since then, there has been intense fighting between the AA and junta in Rakhine State and the AA has taken control of several towns in the state, including Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Myebon, and Pauktaw, and Paletwa Town in Chin State. The AA is also launching attacks against junta army camps in Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Buthidaung, and Maungdaw in Rakhine State.