Spring Revolution Daily News for 11 May 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

  • For a universal lawsuit against the military junta, Union Minister of Human Rights-NUG met with legal experts in New Zealand.
  • On Wednesday, there was a meeting between the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public’s Administration and Township People’s Administration from Mandalay Region and Magway Region.
  • In the government meeting, Union Prime Minister of the NUG Man Win Khine Than stated that as the revolutionary government, it is important to spend wisely and use the government funds thriftily.
  • On Thursday, Karenni State Interim Executive Council declared humanitarian amnesty on 5 non-CDM staff members of Loikaw University including the rector.
  • On Thursday, there was a meeting between Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration-NUG and Township People’s Administration from Sagaing Region and Magway Region.
  • In the north of Madayar in Mandalay Region, there was an attack on a junta army base camp in the monastery of Taung Tangar Village. According to Mdy-PDF, 12 junta soldiers including Captain Chit Khine died.
  • In Saw Township of Magway Region, the junta army conducted an airstrike on a public gathering at a local monastery. According to the Public’s Administration, no less than 15 people lost their lives and around 30 others were injured.

Revolution Activities

  • In Haigyigyun of Ayeyarwady Region, U Than Tun, a former EC member of Ngaputaw Township National League for Democracy (NLD), lost his life during interrogation due to the ill-treatment of the junta army.
  • On entrance to Myitkyina, Kachin Independence Army attacked the junta’s gate near Bhala Min Htin Bridge on Thursday. Reportedly, some junta policemen including an officer died and 2 others were injured.
  • Brave Warriors For Myanmar (BWM) conducted an attack with 10 107mm grenades on the junta’s Taungoo Air Force, which has been carrying out airstrikes on the public.
  • In Hpakant of Kachin State, there was a rally against the military dictatorship on Friday morning.
  • In Yinmabin Township of Sagaing Region, a social group donated rice and oil to over 1,300 displaced people from 5 locations.
  • In Yinmabin North, a rally named ‘Let’s Never Get Back in This Revolution’ led a march against the military dictatorship.
  • In Mahlaing Township and Taungthar Township of Mandalay Region, there were bomb attacks via drone on the junta armed forces. Reportedly, 9 junta soldiers died.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

  • Chin National Front called on Zomi Revolution Army to get out of the military dictatorship. They also warned them that they would respond if the ZRA disturbs the fight against the military dictatorship.
  • In Kyaikto Township of Mon State, the junta army shot mortars into local villages. According to Karen National Union (Central), a person lost their life.
  • Somewhere in Karenni State, Inle PDF (1009) completed their basic military training (Batch 8) on 7 April.

The Military Council

  • According to the military junta, the public’s military service training Batch (2) will be opened in May. They have had to review it due to the issues of trainee replacement.
  • For nuclear energy and projects in Myanmar, a National Committee led by the junta leader Min Aung Hlaing was set up.
  • The military junta stated that no money must be collected or no school items must be sold when students are enrolled at schools.
  • The junta leader claimed that they have turned Naypyidaw into an Education City in addition to a Green City, Clean City and Smart City with smokeless industry.
  • Min Aung Hlaing said that in the countries with a large number of educated people, they can work with stability no matter what kind of politics their nations adopt.

Summary on 11 May

  • The junta leader implied that Myanmar citizens are not educated. He claimed that the educated people can be stable under any political practices. In reality, the military has ruled Myanmar by using force for a long time and the military dictators have been uneducated and selfish. Consequently, they have not been able to adopt any political system, except for dictatorship. In fact, they are the very ones who are not educated.