Myanmar junta sentences activist to 74 years prison for leading protests

Burma leading activist Wai Moe Naing/Photo:Wai Moe Niang(FB)


Last week, a court in Burma sentenced leading activist Wai Moe Naing to 20 more years in prison. He is now serving a sentence of 74 years in jail. He would be over 100 years old when released.

After the coup, Wai Moe Naing led protests against the military in Monywa, Sagaing Region and was arrested in April 2021. He was beaten and dragged away by military forces after his motorcycle was rammed by an unmarked police car during an anti-coup rally.

After his arrest, he was tortured and interrogated in a detention centre. Since then, he has faced multiple charges, including treason, alleged murder, incitement, and unlawful association. He was forced to represent himself in court because the military also arrested his lawyers as part of their crackdown on lawyers defending political activists.

There are more than 20,000 political prisoners in jail in Burma. Many have faced torture, rape and sexual violence. All are kept in appalling conditions without access to proper food or medical car.