Spring Revolution Daily News for 8 June 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

  • Under the Ministry of Defence-NUG, Shan South People’s Defence Force-SSPDF (1005) completed their basic military training Batch (5).
  • In Australia, Minister of Foreign Affairs-NUG met with state MPs and responsible personnel on Thursday. Reportedly, they discussed Myanmar affairs.
  • In Minkin Township of Sagaing Region, the junta army used 250-pound bombs in the air attack on Mataw Village. According to the Ministry of Human Rights-NUG, 34 local people lost their lives in the incident.
  • The Chair of Karenni State Interim Executive Council stated that they had earned funds worth over 8,000 million MMK from June 2023 to May 2024, and they had spent more than 6,000 million MMK for necessary sectors.
  • Ministry of Education-NUG released a statement against the junta’s attacks on school targets. They also mentioned that it is crucial for children to be able to learn in safe schools.
  • Union Minister of Planning, Finance and Investment-NUG stated that Spring Development Bank have been negotiating for microfinance services in Chin and Karenni.
  • At 10:00 am Thursday, the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public Administration conducted a meeting.
  • At 3:00 pm Thursday, there was a meeting between Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration- NUG and District People’s Administration from Sagaing Region and Magway Region.

Revolution Activities

  • In Salingyi Township of Sagaing Region, a social group on behalf of the donors donated a meal to the people from 3 IDP camps.
  • In Yinmabin North, a combined rally of villages marched against the military dictatorship and saluted the martyrs.
  • In Mandalay Region, there was a mine attack on junta troops on their way out from Myingyan at 5:40 pm Thursday. Reportedly, a car was damaged.
  • In Natoegyi Township, the junta armed forces set fire to 4 local villages on Thursday.
  • In Natoegyi Township, the junta army conducted an aerial bombing via fighter jet on the monastery in Kanzatgone Village on Thursday morning. Reportedly, 3 people including a monk were injured and the monastery was damaged.
  • In Natoegyi Township, there was an attack on the junta army stationed in Manle Village on Wednesday morning. Reportedly, 3 junta soldiers died and many others were injured.
  • In Myingyan Township, there were local battles between the junta army and the PDF near Manle Village on 4 and 5 June. Reportedly, about 10 junta soldiers died.
  • In Danu Phyu Township, Pan Tanaw Township and Myan Aung Township across Ayeyarwady Region, local authorities arrested young people by force for the recruitment of military training and demanded money from the public on Wednesday.
  • In Yebyu Township of Tanintharyi Region, there was an attack via 40mm grenades on the junta’s Ka-Ma-Ya (408) on 31 May. Reportedly, a junta soldier died and some buildings were damaged.
  • In Hpa Kant of Kachin State, a rally marched in support of the KIA, the PDF and the NUG on Friday. They also protested against the military dictatorship.
  • In Thailand, France and Indonesia, Homesick Film Festival will be held for Myanmar people who have had to leave home for various reasons after the military coup.
  • Federal Wings, a leading drone force against the junta army, has been producing long-range drones.
  • In Yay Township of Mon State, local guerrillas caught Colonel Than Naing Soe from the junta’s Ka-La-Ya (106), along with weapons, on Wednesday evening.
  • In Beelin of Mon State, Sergeant Tin Hla from the junta’s police force was shot dead at about 6:00 pm Thursday.
  • In Chin State, the townspeople in Falam have withdrawn money from the banks in case of heavy fighting. Reportedly, some of them have been preparing to stay away from battles.
  • The Spokesperson of the United Nations Secretary General Stéphane Dujarric stated that they had been deeply concerned about a large number of casualties among the civilians in Rakhine State and Sagaing Region due to the attacks by the junta army.
  • In Geneva, Switzerland, the 112th International Conference on Labour Affairs is being conducted. Reportedly, the representative of the Philippines Labor Union Federation called on the ILO to take action against Myanmar in accordance with the ILO Constitution and recognize the NUG as the official government.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

  • The ZFU/ PDF Zoland completed their basic military training (14) on 1 June.
  • On Thursday, Ta’ang National Liberation Army and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army strongly condemned the junta’s killing of 76 people in Byaing Phyu Village of Sittway Township in Rakhine State.
  • In Namkam and Kutkhine, the TNLA conducted surprise checks against the trade of illegal drugs and the junta products in the areas under their control.
  • In Mindat Township of Chin State, the military junta conducts air attacks on civilian targets every now and then, committing war crimes.
  • Due to the news that the revolution forces would conduct battles to seize Matupi, the junta armed forces in town have been preparing defenses.
  • The Three Brotherhood Alliance warned the junta army not to conduct any more massacres like the one in Byaing Phyu Village, not only in Rakhine State, but also in other parts of the country.
  • In Hpapun Township of Karen State, the displaced people have been in need of shelter and medicines, according to Karen National Union Brigade (5).
  • On 1 June, Karenni Nationalities Defence Force extended a strategic unit (8).
  • In Maungtaw Township of Rakhine State, the Arakan Army seized the junta’s Border Guard Force (6) based in Indin on Thursday.
  • In Titain Township of Chin State, PDF Zoland completed their basic military training on 1 June.

The Military Council

  • Among 40 suggestions for Myanmar by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the military junta claimed that they had constantly improved the suggestions with low criteria. Reportedly, they managed to better 25 points in 2023.
  • Starting from 6 June, the military junta banned the application for Passport for Job (PJ) changing it to Passport for Visit (PV).
  • The junta’s Industry Minister claimed that new industrial zones must be established as there are several businesses running outside the industrial zones.
  • The junta’s Minister of Information claimed that the 5th National Sports Competition would be held in upcoming December to take pride in being a Myanmar citizen and rejuvenate the pleasure gained in Southeast Asia sport games.
  • The junta’s Yangon Regional Chief Minister instructed the public not to have to wait in lines for edible oil.
  • From January to May, the junta Central Bank sold over 176 million USD, over 1.5 billion Baht and over 40 million Yuan.

Summary on 8 June

  • To stay away from the junta’s Military Service Law, young people have been leaving the country to work abroad. The military junta has forbidden it. Again, they have banned the change of passports. Consequently, the youth may find it more difficult to work overseas.