Czech and Myanmar nationals in Prague mark Aung San Suu Kyi’s birthday, watch ‘Lose & Hope’ film


The Myanmar community in the Czech Republic and Czech friends of Myanmar federal democracy gathered on Saturday in the beautiful Vila Grebovka to celebrate the 79th birthday of Aung San Suu Kyi and to watch a recently released Karenni revolutionary movie “Lose & Hope”.

Igor Blazevic, one of the organizers of the event, welcomed all who joined: “It is important that we come together as a community of people who belong to Myanmar and who carry in our hearts and minds for people of Myanmar. It is important that we come together to send message to your family members and our friends and all people of Myanmar that we care for them. It is important that we remind the world that Aung San Suu Kyi is once again, already over three years, in jail in full isolation. It is also important that we voice a call for the release of all political prisoners and that we voice our support to the heroic struggle of the people of Myanmar.”

Blazevic said it was “good that we make a call from Prague to our friends and other Myanmar diaspora groups across Europe, in South East Asia, in Australia, Korea and Japan, US and UK to join the “Roses that never bow down” campaign, to commemorate Aung San Suu Kyi’s 79th birthday on June 19 and to demonstrate solidarity with the heroic people of Myanmar in their ongoing struggle for freedom and human rights.”

The highlight of the Prague event in Vila Grebovka the screening of movie “Lose & Hope” made by the Karenni Arts Council and directed by the talented John Meia. The movies is a powerful and true story, a touching love story and a big revolutionary epic. The film in an authentic way shows the hardship of struggle and pays tribute to the courage, sacrifice and determination of Myanmar’s young revolutionaries. It is beautifully filmed movie, with some great acting, great editing and surprisingly good production quality. One can hardly imagine how John Meia and his crew managed to achieved that level of production and directing quality while making a movie in the jungle and in the midst of real war that surrounds them.

Myanmar participants of the event were deeply moved and inspired by the movie. One of them commented after the screening: “The Lose & Hope film touches the hearts of (not only) Myanmar people and makes us have an even firmer determination to get rid of the tyrannical military regime now and forever. All Myanmar diasporas should watch this film to witness how bravely our younger generation is fighting against the evil regardless of the sacrifice of their own lives. We should firmly continue our support to the Spring Revolution in every possible way so that we can hope for a better future for our people and our beloved country Myanmar.”

A young Chin participant commented: “It was an honour to see such a moving and inspiring film from our Karenni brothers and sisters. I hope that the world can learn more from this movie about the conditions and circumstances our people are facing at this time. Thank you so much for today.”

“I appreciate a lot that the film gave a special place for minority rights,” another viewer said. ”It is also beautiful to see and feel the deep love between comrades who fight together for the sake of the common good. The scenes in which they fight bravely and fall heroically make you tearful. It is a great

movie that makes everyone who watches it be even more resolved to fight relentlessly until the revolution succeeds. It makes also all of us bowing with deep respect to our martyrs.”

One of students from Myanmar added: “The movie Lose & Hope really touched my heart. I laughed when it was funny. In the romantic scenes, I really felt the romantic vibe. There were almost tears in the sad scenes. It’s a really good movie that can give you all the senses. I would like to add that even though it is very difficult in Myanmar, filmmakers were able to make such a good film. I respect all the sisters and brothers who have worked really hard to make this beautiful film. It is necessary to show this movie to the Burmese who live far away like us. The film tell us: ‘Don’t be cold-blooded. Those things are happening to us in Myanmar on daily basis. You can’t be cold-blooded. Try to help as you can.‘ I get the message sent through the movie without saying it verbally. Thank you all, brothers and sisters who made this kind of masterpiece movie. To all brothers and sisters inside Myanmar who sacrifice themselves and bravely stand on the side of the truth, I would like to say, please keep on trying. We too will help as much as possible.”

Another Myanmar student in Prague added: “The film Lose & Hope is a narrative that emphasizes the duality of loss and hope, and portrays the struggle and endurance of those involved in the revolution. For me, the short words of this film are emotional depth, unique perspective.”

“While watching and enjoying the Lose & Hope revolution film,” continued yet another participant of the Prague screening, ”I am really proud of the screenwriters who made the real events vividly visible, and the director who made the film really touching despite the imperfect equipment and difficult locations, as well as all the actors and everyone who contributed from all sides. Everyone who watched the film felt that it was shot in the midst of trauma in order to reach everyone and to have a clear understanding of what the people of Myanmar were going through during the coup. I was also personally very touched by the filmmakers adding the chapter of LGBTIQ people who are bravely participating in the revolution. The scene in the film where IDP children run to eat snacks coincides with the children who came to watch the movie playing and eating snacks. I felt deeply and shed tears because all our children should have equal rights to happiness. I hope that this film will warm up some of the diaspora groups abroad who almost become cold-blooded and I hope the film will motivate them to continue to participate actively in the Spring Revolution. I bow with respect and pride to all the comrades who are trying to reveal the truth. I swear that I will participate to the best of my abilities wherever I can contribute so that we can all return together to our sweet homes where there are warm families as soon as the Spring Revolution succeeds. The revolution must win.”