Spring Revolution Daily News for 22 May 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· On 19 May, the Union Ministers of the NUG met with the Myanmar community in South Korea.

· There was a meeting between the Union Ministers of the NUG and Ms. Yanghee Lee, member of Special Advisory Council for Myanmar and former UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar.

· On Tuesday, the NUG expressed their concerns about the junta’s killings and setting fire to property in Northern Rakhine State to create racial conflicts.

· Deputy Minister of Defence-NUG inspected Saw Dragon Drone Special Force in Area (3) of Southern Military Region.

· In Salin Township of Magway Region, about 40 junta soldiers left their camp near Nga Hlaing Dwin Village on 8 May. The following day, the People’s Defence Forces (PDFs) from Minbu District conducted an area clearance operation.

Revolution Activities

· In Salingyi Township of Sagaing Region, a social group donated a new building for an interim school.

· In Yesagyo of Magway Region, some policemen from the local police station and some soldiers from the junta armed forces (257, 258) were involved in the murder of a couple of retired teachers.

· On Tuesday, the revolution forces called on the public to take part in an anti-junta movement while watering the Banyan Tree on Kasone Full Moon Day on 22 May.

· Karenni Civil Society Organizations stated that the international organizations are to network directly with them, not with the military junta, for development and humanitarian activities in the area.

· In East Yinmabin and North Salingyi of Sagaing Region, the Medical Team of Strike Committee provided healthcare to the displaced people.

· Somewhere in Sagaing Region, over 80 members of Myingyan District Force (7) or Zero Guerrilla were fully equipped with arms and each of them was provided three sets of military uniform.

· In Yinmabin, Black Leopard Force attacked the local police station and the combined office where the junta soldiers and police had been stationed in town.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· According to the Arakan Army, a large number of the junta armed forces arrived in Tamin Chaung Village in Buthitaung Township at the time of heavy fighting. They then abused the villagers as human shields.

· In Mai Lone Township under control of Ta’ang National Liberation Army in Northern Shan State, the responsible personnel of the TNLA met with the public for local development including no trade of the junta army products.

· The AA stated that they are against any form of violence, and they are always ready to join hands with the international anti-terrorism organizations to combat terrorism.

· In Kyaikdone, Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) seized the junta’s Fuchimu Camp. Reportedly, the junta soldiers who had run away from the camp shot dead a pregnant woman aged around 30 and 3 men aged around 20 along the way.

· In Chin State, the combined Chin Revolution Forces gained control of Tunzan. According to the spokesperson of Chin National Army, they also confiscated 11 dead bodies of junta soldiers and weapons.

· In Kawkarait Township of Karen State, a combined force of the KNLA attacked and seized the junta’s Fuchimu Camp in Kyaikdone. Reportedly, 41 junta soldiers were caught alive.

The Military Council

· The military junta has been summoning young people from all over the country by force for military service. They also stated that there would be action against anyone who fails to serve the army.

· According to a focal person of the junta’s Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation, they would provide the power supply to the industrial zones in Yangon, the commercial hub, for only two hours per day.

· In the meeting in Naypyidaw on Monday, the junta Minister of Defence claimed that they had difficulty meeting the targeted number for military recruitment and they had to make some substitutes.

· The military junta had preliminary talks with Russia for the joint implementation of Dawei Deep Sea Port, the preliminary stage of Dawei Special Economic Zone, in Tanintharyi Region.

· The junta propaganda leader Major General Zaw Min Tun said that they are in strong support of the One China principle, and they neither regard Taiwan as a nation nor have diplomatic relations.

Summary on 22 May

· Even though the military junta has recruited for their forces by force with a law, they have failed to meet the target number. They stated that they had to make substitutes. In other words, they admitted that they had taken away people by force for the recruitment. They also threatened that there would be action against those who fail to serve the military. Consequently, they might do the recruitment more harshly and strictly soon.