Intense fighting in Matupi as Chin Joint Forces capture key Myanmar government buildings


Chin joint forces attacked and captured the city police station and the general administration office in Matupi township, southern Chin state and the fighting is still intense, according to local residents and the Chin Brothers News, Records and Information Team reporting on 14 June.

The Military Council had prepared a defensive position in Matupi and the family members of the soldiers were being taken out of the city, local people said.

“On 11 June, the police station and the general administration office were attacked and occupied in the morning. There are launching an offensive against the Infantry Battalion 304 and Military Council forces are more affected,” said a member of the Chin Defense Forces.

Since the morning of 9 June, the Joint Defense Force has been conducting Operation Chin Brothers, the Chin Brothers News, Records and Information Team reported on the night of 13 June.

“The Military Council is also making efforts to prevent the fall of the city. In a previous battle of capturing camps in other districts, women soldiers were injured in drone attacks. So they surrendered, a resident said.

To avoid such occurrences, families from Matupi strategy 304 and 104 battalions were evacuated by helicopter and sent other places. And a mass of troops hves been deployed, the resident added.

An official of Chin Brothers News, Records and Information Team told Mizzima that they are moving forward in an offensive to clear the Military Council from the Matupi area.

“At this time, we are conducting military operations and the fighting is fierce. We will continue to publish military information accurately and answer questions as necessary. Now, the battles are intense, therefore that is all we can say right now,” an official said.

The battle is being fought by the Chin Brothers and its alliances. The Chin Brothers consist of Zoland Federal Union (ZFU/PDF-Zoland), Chin National Federation (CNO/CNDF), Chin National Council (CNC/CDF-Mindat), MTC/MDF, CDF-Kanpalat and CDF Matupi Brigade (1).

The Chin Brothers also requested the population to donate as much as they can to the Chin Liberation Fund Page so that the Chin Brothers operations can be successful as soon as possible.