Total of 59 villagers held hostage by junta and PNO militias in Southern Shan State


According to the Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA), 59 residents from Htibwar Village, Hsi Hseng Township, Southern Shan State have been held hostage by junta troops and Pa-O National Organization (PNO) militia since 10 June.

More than half of the detainees are women over the age of 40.

The villagers had previously sought refuge in the forests to escape ongoing conflicts. However, they were forced to return to their village under threats from the junta to burn their houses. Upon their return, they were detained, the PNLA reported.

PNLA spokesperson Khun Rain Yam expressed grave concerns, stating, “The junta troops and the militias have reportedly detained these villagers as hostages in Htibwar village hall. Thus, we are very concerned that the junta would massacre these civilians.”

The PNLA has reported frequent detentions, killings, and ransom extortion by junta troops and PNO militias in Hsi Hseng Township.

Despite these reports, the military regime has not issued any statement regarding the detention of the villagers.

Southern Shan State has seen significant displacement due to ongoing battles between junta troops, PNO militias, and joint forces of the PNLA.

A report by the Pa-O Youth Organization (PYO) on 12 June indicated that over 53,400 civilians from Hsi Hseng, Nyaungshwe, Hopong, and Pinlaung townships have been displaced due to conflicts.

Additionally, the PYO reported that airstrikes and artillery shelling by the military regime from 21 January to 8 June this year have killed 77 civilians and injured over 100 in Southern Shan State.