Spring Revolution Daily News for 28 June 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· Regarding the military junta’s shooting dead of the abbot of Win Neinmitayon Monastery in Bago, Acting President of the NUG stated that it was an insult to the whole community of Buddhists. He added that the junta army, which had disseminated false information, must be held accountable.

· In Madayar Township of Mandalay Region, Mandalay People’s Defence Force seized control of three junta camps; Panthale Taung, Kyaukgyan Taung and Yeso Taung.

· At 1:00 pm Wednesday, there was a meeting between the Central Committee on the Interim Public’s Administration-NUG and Township People’s Administration from Mandalay Region and Magway Region.

Revolution Activities

· In Myaing Township of Magway Region, a combined force of the PDFs attacked the junta army stationed in Kaing Tawma Village. Afterwards, the military tension has escalated in the area.

· In Myaing Township, local monks conducted a religious strike against the military junta and took to the streets for the first time on Thursday.

· In Kyaikto Township of Mon State, a local woman lost her life and two people were injured as the junta army fired mortars into A-Khine Village.

· In Kachin State, the military tension has escalated again between the two armed forces in Hpakant-Lonekhine Gems Land.

· In Sagaing Township of Sagaing Region, local monks took part in a religious strike. So far, such protests have been in five townships altogether.

· In Monywa Township, the members of Pyusawti Militia shot mortars into a local village, injuring three people including a child.

· In Yinmabin Township, a local rally named ‘Let’s Never Get Back in This Revolution’ marched against the military dictatorship.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· In the western part of Moegoke Town with battles by a combined force of Ta’ang National Liberation Army, the junta’s Kyat Byin Police Station has been on fire. In addition, there have been casualties among civilians due to the junta’s air attacks.

· On Thursday morning, the junta’s Kyat Byin Police Station was surrounded by an alliance of the TNLA. Reportedly, the junta army conducted aerial bombings.

· In Naungcho Township of Northern Shan State, the TNLA seized the junta’s A-Ma-Ta (606) and the junta army in Ohnmakhar Village.

· In Hpakant Township of Kachin State, Kachin Independence Army conducted an attack via drone on the junta’s Seng Taung Police Station. Reportedly, 10 junta members including police officers died.

The Military Council

· With the invitation of Chinese government, former President U Thein Sein left for China on Thursday.

· On Thursday, the junta’s court in Kamayut decided a bid worth 300 billion MMK to No. (54) on University Avenue in Yangon.

· Regarding the case in which a warehouse of World Food Programme had been broken into, the junta propaganda leader Zaw Min Tun claimed that the junta soldiers, along with some Muslim people, had gone into the warehouse, removed the rations including rice and given them to over 2,000 households on 22 June.

· According to the junta’s Naypyidaw Municipal, they would change water bills in the area starting from 1 July.

· The junta’s Deputy Foreign Minister received Mr. Sajjad Mohammad Sajid, Head of the OCHA office in Myanmar.

· The junta’s Union Minister of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement received a delegation led by Head of the OCHA office in Myanmar.

Summary on 28 June

· The junta armed forces tend to take away or steal the public’s belongings in conflict areas. They broke into the warehouse of the WFP storing rice for refugees and set fire to it. As the Arakan Army managed to record it, the junta propaganda leader falsely claimed that they had just moved the rice bags.