AA seizes Thandwe Police Station in Rakhine State

Thandwe Town, Rakhine State


Following their capture of Thandwe Airport on 23 June, the Arakan Army (AA) seized Thandwe Police Station in Thandwe Town, Rakhine State on 24 June, according to locals.

After taking over Thandwe Airport on the morning of 23 June, the AA launched attacks on Thandwe Police Station, the junta Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 566 base near the airport and the Infantry Battalion (IB) 55 base at the entrance of Ngapali Town in Thandwe Township.

A Thandwe resident said: “This afternoon, on 24 June, the AA reportedly took over Thandwe Police Station in Thandwe Town. They are also attacking LIB 566 and IB 55. I believe those battalions will fall under AA control soon.”

According to residents, there were over 50 junta police officers in Thandwe Police Station and all of them fled at about 10:00 am on 24 June.

A resident who lives close to Thandwe Airport said: “The police officers fled from the station. Before they left, there were gunshots in the vicinity. They were escaping on motorbikes. It is rumoured that LIB 566 has been taken over, but it has not been confirmed yet. We heard gunshots from LIB 566 too.”

During the attack on Thandwe Airport, some military and police personnel at the airport retreated to the LIB 566 and IB 55 bases, according to a military source close to the AA, who also said that the AA had told the soldiers at those bases to raise white flags and surrender.

They added: “The AA captured 132 military soldiers, police personnel, and their family members at Thandwe Airport on 23 June.” Mizzima has not yet been able to confirm this.

Due to the intense fighting in Thandwe Town and Thandwe Township, many residents have fled to Gwa Township, about 80 miles away.

A resident of Thandwe Town said: “Thandwe town seems haunted by ghosts. There is almost no one. Those who cannot flee are staying indoors. The town is deserted.”

At the time of reporting, the AA had taken positions in Thandwe Town, while junta troops remained stationed at the LIB 566 and IB 55 bases. Locals reported that the junta is conducting airstrikes and heavy artillery bombardments of Thandwe Town and some surrounding villages in Thandwe Township.

As of 9:00 pm on 24 June, the AA had not released any statements regarding the ongoing battle in Thandwe Township. Attempts by Mizzima to contact the AA spokesperson Khaing Thukha had also failed.