Spring Revolution Daily News for 24 September 2023

Spring Revolution Daily News for 24 September 2023

The National Unity Government (NUG)
• According to Ministry of Human Rights-NUG, Myanmar’s delegation led by the Union Minister of Foreign Affairs-NUG met with the stakeholders related to Myanmar’s affairs during the 78th United Nations General Assembly.
• According to Iron Tiger Battalion, they have got started with local battles in Naypyidaw, the junta’s headquarters.
• In New York, USA, the delegation led by Union Ministers of the NUG met with the team led by the Chair of the Elders at the Office of Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the UN on Thursday.
• On Friday, the NUG released a statement with strong condemnation of the junta’s prohibition and destruction against international humanitarian assistance for Myanmar people.

Revolution Activities
• According to a guerrilla force, they conducted a grenade attack on the office of a business importing weapons and aviation oil for the junta army in Yangon.
• At 7:00 pm Friday, there was an exhibition of the paintings drawn by Myanmar children, who had to run to Mae Sot in Thailand due to local battles, at Borderline Gallery.
• In Myinmu Township of Sagaing Region and Ngazun Township of Mandalay Region, there were bomb attacks via drone on the junta troops for 8 days from 12 to 20 September. Reportedly, no less than 18 junta soldiers might have died.
• On Friday, a combined force of PDFs from Yinmabin, Kani and Salingyi and Pale Townships attacked the junta vessels traveling down from Kani. Reportedly, there were casualties among junta soldiers.
• In Myinmu Township, the junta army arrested 22 revolutionists and 3 civilians near Chayyardaw Village on Myinmu-Myaung Road. Reportedly, they killed all of them in a massacre.
• In Yinmabin Township, a rally of ‘Let’s not step back in this revolution’ led an anti-junta march on Saturday.
• In Muse Township and Kutkhine Township of Shan State, there were local battles between the junta army and Ta’ang National Liberation Army at three locations. Reportedly, there were a large number of casualties among junta soldiers and many weapons were confiscated.
• In Oatpho Township of Bago Region, local PDF cleared out non-CDM forestry staff, considered a military target.
• After the battle in Kamma of Magwe Region, local residents have been away from town. At such time, the junta soldiers have been breaking into shops.
• In Chauk, there was a grenade attack on the junta’s Myoma Police Station. Reportedly, there might have been casualties among the junta police.
• In Pakkoku Township, two junta village administrators resigned.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)
• In Duplaya District under Karen National Union Brigade (6), 191 junta soldiers including 3 captains died in local battles within a month.
• In the south of Sunprabun in Kachin State, Kachin Independence Army and Kachin PDF attacked and took control of Dayukha, a junta army camp. Reportedly, 10 junta soldiers died and many weapons were confiscated.
• In KyarIn Seikgyi Township of Kayin State, there was a bomb attack via drone on the junta army invading Kale Dagundine. According to Cloud Wings group, no less than 10 junta soldiers died and many others got injured.

The Military Council
• The military junta held discussions with representatives of the Restoration Council of Shan State to cooperate for a free and fair election in the areas of the EAOs.
• According to Mizzima, Colonel Kyaw Zaw Ye is found out to be the closest confidant in the propaganda, political implementation and security measures of the junta leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.
• In Thanphyu Zayat of Mon State, the junta army arrested 3 men including the owner of a mobile phone shop for anti-junta posts on social media.
• In Sagaing of Sagaing Region, the junta army arrested the owner of Yinthway Yadanar Private School in Tharzi Ward. Reportedly, they sealed off the school.
• Reportedly, only the associates of the junta ministries and departments have got the tender for the activities of local development by the junta’s Chin State Government.
• The junta leader signed the amendment of the tax law that the military junta would collect 10% of the income of those living abroad in foreign currency.
• The junta Minister of Immigration and the responsible personnel from China discussed the arrangements for Myanmar and Chinese citizens crossing the border with passports via Muse Border Gate.

Summary on 24 September
• Min Aung Hlaing has been badly in need of foreign currency. He signed the law to collect 10% of the income of overseas workers, in addition to forcing them to transfer their salaries with a reduced exchange rate.
• Breaking the local and international laws on prisoners of war, the junta army has committed a massacre of arrested PDF members. They have been openly violating international military laws.