Spring Revolution Daily News for 6 January 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

  • In Taungoo District of Bago Region, the Ministry of Education-NUG and Taungoo Township Education Committee successfully conducted a prize-awarding ceremony along with the funfairs of the interim public schools on Wednesday.
  • In Naungcho Township of Northern Shan State, the junta’s deputy colonel Thet Aung, who had been arrested in the battle at the camp in Thanbo Village, felt relieved about his life only after he had fallen into the hands of the PDFs.
  • In the meeting of the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public Administration on Thursday, the Union Prime Minister Man Win Khine Than stated that this year would be the last year for the military junta.
  • U Yi Mon, Union Minister of Defence-NUG, called on the junta soldiers and police to stand for the public in a timely manner.
  • According to Ministry of Human Rights-NUG, the military junta committed up to 86 cases of massacres in which more than five people had been killed in group at a time, within the year and most of them took place in Sagaing Region.

Revolution Activities

  • Mortars fired on the side of Myanmar fell and exploded in China, injuring 5 Chinese citizens. Regarding the incident, the Chinese Foreign Ministry strongly condemned it.
  • In Latbadaung Taung Area of Sagaing Region, a combined rally of the public conducted a protest.
  • In Yinmabin Township, a local rally of ‘Let’s never get back in this revolution’ marched against the military dictatorship on Friday morning.
  • In Yebyu Township of Tanintharyi Region, there was a bomb attack via drone on the junta army Ka-Ma-Ya (409). Reportedly, the women comrades from Dawna Column took part in the attack for the first time.
  • In Monywa Township, Chindwin Attack Force carried out a guerrilla attack on the junta army on their way out from Nyaungbin Phyu Police Station.
  • In Salingyi Township, a combined rally of strike committee, local people and students protested against the military dictatorship on Friday morning.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

  • In Shan State, the United Wa State Army (UWSA) took a position in Hopan and raised their flag. Reportedly, they gained complete control of the whole town, standing with the Three Brotherhood Alliance.
  • The Three Brotherhood Alliance declared that they would be after Kyar Phyant online gamblers and drug dealers, who had run away under the protection of the military junta, in Pan Lone, Hopan, Tarkaw Et, Matman Sai and Maw Pha Areas.
  • The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) has continued to attack the last junta camp in Kutkhine to gain complete control of the whole town.
  • In Northern Shan State, a combined force took control of the town of Theinni. They would also raise the momentum of fighting No. (16) junta army outside of the town in the first week of January.
  • In Laukkaing of Northern Shan State, a majority of junta soldiers from the Area Supervisory Headquarters gave up arms to the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army on Wednesday evening.
  • In Hpapun District under Karen National Union Brigade (5), there were more than 1,800 battles.

The Military Council

  • On Thursday, the junta leader Min Aung Hlaing admitted that the battlefields had reached up to the urban areas and the frontline zone had expanded. He hinted that the wives of junta soldiers would have to take up arms and fight if needed.
  • Among 171 prisoners released from Myeik Prison and Dawei Prison in Tanintharyi Region, there were only 6 political prisoners.
  • The junta Central Bank announced that they would sell 16 million USD to the foreign currency market on Friday.
  • There would soon be a meeting between the junta leader and the registered political parties in Naypyidaw.
  • The junta leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing stated that the powerful countries had been influencing small countries in various ways for their own benefits.

Summary on 6 January

  • In Shan North, Lauk Kaing Area Supervisory Headquarters, so-called the junta’s largest camp in the area, gave up arms. In other words, the military junta has their forces left only in Lashio. If the town of Lashio could be seized, the whole area of Northern Shan State would be free from the military dictatorship.
  • In the battle to seize Hopan Town, a large number of the soldiers from the Wa Army were found. Reportedly, they took control of the town. Their involvement in the anti-junta revolution is said to be extraordinary.