Spring Revolution Daily News for 23 October 2023

Spring Revolution

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In Phyuu Township of Bago Region, a combined force of local PDFs conducted bomb attacks via drone on the junta armed forces on 19 and 20 October. Reportedly, 11 junta soldiers died.

· In the regular coordination meeting of Committee Representing Pyitaungsu Hluttaw on Friday, the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public Administration presented about their current activities and future plans.

Revolution Activities

· In Mandalay Region, the PDFs inspected the vehicles on Natoegyi-Myingyan Road and educated them not to carry junta army products. At that time, the junta army arrived there. Consequently, there were exchanges of fire.

· In Salingyi Township of Sagaing Region, a telecom tower near Taungoo Village was blown up in a mine attack on Thursday night.

· A combined rally of Salingyi and Yinmabin marched against the military dictatorship. They also called for cutting off the financial flow to the military junta.

· In the western part of Dibeyin Township, the junta armed forces have been invading the area since 10:00 am Saturday. Reportedly, over 5000 people have had to run away.

· In Yinmabin Township, a junta troop killed 7 civilians a few days ago. They raided Yinbaungdine Village on Sunday. Subsequently, local people had to run away.

· Local PDFs attacked the junta army on their way out of Shwebo for three consecutive days. Reportedly, there were casualties among junta soldiers.

· In Salingyi Township, the power plant was blown up at Latbadaung Taung Copper Mining Project.

· In Yesagyo Township of Magwe Region, the junta armed forces set fire to Paukku Village and Kanbe Village. They also killed two residents of Paukku Village.

· The Blood Money will conduct a global campaign to put pressure on the government of Singapore to ban the sale of weapons to the military junta and hinder their financial access.

· In Myeik Township of Tanintharyi Region, the revolution forces attacked the junta camp based in Tonebyawgyi Village.

· In Yebyu Township, the junta troops have been invading Nabule Area under an area clearance operation. They have also been burning the public’s houses.

· In Tanintharyi Township, a social worker and driver had been arrested by the junta army in Tharrawin Village. Two weeks later, he lost his life.

· In California of the United States, there was a rally, holding signs – ‘Stand with Mung Lai Hkyet’ and ‘Uproot the fascist army’.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· In Ywar Ngan Township of Shan State, Danu People Liberation Front conducted a mine attack on a convoy of the Taunggyi District Police Officer on their way out of Yone Bway Betel Plantation.

· In Moegok Township and Namkam Township, there were local battles between the junta army and Ta’ang National Liberation Army. After a great loss, the junta soldiers used the support of an air strike, damaging public’s houses.

· In Shweku Township of Kachin State, the junta army Ka-La-Ya (56) have been driving away the locals from Tonepone Village.

· In Hpapun District under the Karen National Union Brigade (5), there were local battles against the junta army. Reportedly, 7 junta soldiers died.

· In Moemauk Township of Kachin State, the Kachin Independence Army joined hands with their alliance in the control of the junta’s camp near Aunggya Village.

The Military Council

· Reportedly, the military junta will reallow the in-person meetings in prisons, which had been banned, starting on 24 October.

· Thein Soe, the Chair of the junta Union Election Commission, stated that a political party will not have the right to exist if they do not have the specific number of members in a specified period.

· From April to September in the current fiscal year, Myanmar Insurance Enterprise under the junta Ministry of Planning and Finance compensated 9 billion MMK.

· The junta Ministry of Labor informed the overseas employment agencies to triple license fees.

· The junta leader Min Aung Hlaing said that there is the demand for eggs daily throughout the country, and the egg price will fall if they can be manufactured to meet the requirement.

· The junta leader Min Aung Hlaing was present at the pagoda festival in Inle of Nyaung Shwe.

Summary on 23 October

· Without the ability to help businesses, the junta leader has been giving instructions at the time of business people and the public in economic hardships due to his mismanagement.

· The cooperation of revolution forces has been stronger, and they have been fighting the junta camps one after another. Consequently, there might be heavy battles.