Myanmar junta forces raid media office in Rakhine, arrest two

Development Media Group in Sittwe township

Forces of Military Security Affairs and police raided the office of Development Media Group in Sittwe township, Rakhine State, around 1 p.m. on 29 October, according to journalists in Rakhine State.

Reporter Htet Aung was arrested while he was covering the Military Council’s ceremony on donation of provisions and offertories to monks, and then was taken to the DMG office where its security guard was also captured, a Sittwe journalist told Mizzima.

The name of security guard and the reason for the raid remain unknown.

Initial reports said that the military forces also seized a camera and its accessories from the office before it was sealed.

The Military Council has revoked media licenses of many media outlets after the coup, and more than 150 journalists were arrested, while about 50 of them remain detained, according to the local monitoring group Detained Journalists Information.

At least four media workers were killed and others were tortured while in detention.