Spring Revolution Daily News for 20 November 2023

Spring Revolution

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· According to the Ministry of Defence- NUG, more than 40 junta soldiers including a colonel from the junta army Ka-La-Ya (84) died in fighting near Padaukgone Village in Yetashay Township in Bago Region.

· At a press conference on Saturday, the Minister of Communication, Information and Technology- NUG stated that they would conduct a Federal Net Campaign to raise fund for promoting the internet connectivity in five townships.

· The Karenni State Interim Consultative Council stated on Friday that the Karenni State Interim Parliament had been set up with 15 MPs at the State-Level and National-Level who had won in the 2020 General Election.

· The NUG and the Karenni State Interim Administration expressed thanks to the Karenni combined forces and social groups who had provided help to the public on the ground.

· The Interim Central Bank of the NUG announced that the Kawlin District Coordination Team in Sagaing Region was to protect the security of local private banks providing financial services to the people and for the public not to lose their property.

· Daw Zin Mar Aung, the Union Minister of Foreign Affairs- NUG, arrived in Tokyo, Japan. Reportedly, she was welcomed by U Saw Ba Hla Thein, the NUG’s Representative to Japan, and some office members.

· The Special Operation Force of the PDF released a video in which the junta soldiers gave up arms during fighting near Chaung Hnakwa Village in Kyaik Mayaw Township in Mon State.

Revolutionary Activities

· Political groups and revolutionary forces in Tanintharyi Region complained that they had not been informed of the adoption of a Tanintharyi Region Interim Planning draft.

· Even amidst tighter security measures by the junta army in Yangon, revolutionary forces conducted a movement on Sunday, raising the PDF Flag and putting up posters saying: ’Will you die for your senior or join the public? It’s your choice!’

· In Monywa of Sagaing Region, youths called on the junta soldiers to defect to the public on Sunday.

· In Myingyan Township of Mandalay Region, there was an attack on a junta camp in Kaing Village. Afterwards, the junta army fired mortars, causing the people from nearby villages to run away.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· In Falam Township in Chin State, the Chin National Defence Force set fire to the junta’s Bah Camp.

· In Northern Shan State, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army gained control of Sakhan Thit Hill in Namkham. Afterwards, the junta army started using chemical munitions in their counterattack.

· The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army announced on Saturday that Chinese citizens in Lauk Kaing should go back to China.

· The Arakan Army (AA) announced on Sunday that they would never forget the incident in which 23 captains-to-be including 8 members of the AA who lost their lives due to Myanmar Army mortar fire on the Kachin Independence Army Captain Academy in Lai Za in Kachin State 9 years ago.

· In Mobye on the Shan-Karenni border, 3 members of the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (11) lost their lives in fighting to seize a junta camp.

The Military Council

· On 17 November, the military junta announced that it had arranged for the people not to lose their savings at the Myanma Economics Bank in case of temporary suspension.

· The junta spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun stated that if the public has less trust in banking and withdraws large sums of money without it being necessary, it would cause high inflation.

· The Myanma Economic Bank announced that despite the suspension of a branch, other branches continue to provide banking services.

· In Loikaw Township of Karenni State, two novices lost their lives in Ottayayone Monastery due to the mortars fired by the junta army.

· In Pathein of Ayeyarwady Region, the junta forces have been checking overnight guest lists at houses and demanding money for various reasons, saying that the PDFs have been in town.

· The junta Ministry of Education stated that it was just a fake instruction asking for information about students who had joined the military training in universities and colleges.

Summary on 20 November

· The junta’s towns and camps have been seized. In addition, the banks in Rakhine State had to move out their money. Consequently, the public from other areas have been concerned and they have withdrawn their savings. The military junta hurriedly called on the public not to do so and claimed that they had enough money. However, most people find it difficult to trust their word.

· The military junta keeps saying it has regained control of the towns seized. On the other hand, the revolutionary forces release daily videos in which they take control of junta camps one after another. In this way, the public has witnessed the junta’s propaganda full of lies.