Thai nationals repatriated from northern Myanmar’s conflict zone


In a welcome reprieve from the ongoing conflict in Myanmar, 111 Thai nationals who had been stranded in Myanmar’s northern Shan State were able to return home on 15 December, according to Thai news outlets.

They were handed over by Myanmar authorities at the Second Friendship Bridge in Mae Sai, marking the fourth successful repatriation effort coordinated by the Thailand-Myanmar Township Border Committee (TBC).

This latest group brings the total number of repatriated Thais to 179, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the ongoing armed battles between Myanmar junta’s army and ethnic armed organisations.

On October 27 this year, the Brotherhood Alliance, comprising the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and Arakan Army (AA), initiated Operation 1027 in northern Shan State. Consequently, amidst intense fighting, several foreigners became trapped in the conflict zones.

Out of the 111 Thai nationals, 10 people, eight men and two women, were immediately arrested upon stepping onto Thai soil due to outstanding arrest warrants for alleged involvement in online scams. They were sent to the local police for further legal proceedings.

The remaining 101 individuals were transported to temporary shelters in Chiang Rai, where they will receive medical examinations and undergo further processing.