Spring Revolution Daily News for 22 January 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In Khin-U Township of Sagaing Region, the People’s Security Force opened training for investigation on Friday. Present on the occasion were the Chief Police Officer from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration- NUG, along with other responsible personnel. Reportedly, the Chief Police Officer delivered an opening speech.

· Together with the management of the Union Prime Minister Office of the NUG, a car was donated to Karen National Union (KNU) from the fund earned through The Way Film.

· On Saturday, Mandalay PDF released a video of the speech by a junta’s Deputy Colonel Thet Aung, whom had been arrested by the MDY PDF and the TNLA in the battle of Thanbo Village in Naungcho Township in Shan State.

Revolutionary Activities

· In Pakkoku Township of Magwe Region, the Kamma Revolution Forces called on the public to cooperate in their inspections on highways in the area.

· In Yay Township of Mon State, a combination of revolutionary forces attacked the junta’s inspection gate at the suspension bridge near Nawkanin Village. They then burnt it at night.

· In Shwebo Township of Sagaing Region, the S&C provided food to over 700 people who had run away from local battles.

· The leader of Dibeyin PDF stated that they had gained control of more than half of the town and the junta soldiers had to stay only in their army units.

· In Salingyi Township, a local rally of New Strength conducted an anti-junta march in memory of Comrade Min Min Htet (alias) Fatty who was killed seven months ago.

· On Sunday morning, there was a mine attack on a convoy of the junta’s Tanintharyi Regional Chief Minister U Myat Ko on the Yangon-Dawei-Myeik Road.

· In Yesagyo Township of Magwe Region, there were bomb attacks via drone on the camps of the junta’s Pyusawti Militia in two local villages.

Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs)

· According to the Three Brotherhood of Northern Alliance, the Arakan Army continued to seize the junta army camps in Mrauk-U, Minbya, Kyaukdaw and Yathay Taung Townships. Reportedly, there has been ongoing heavy fighting.

· On Sunday, there were ongoing heavy battles between the junta armed forces and the AA in seven townships of Rakhine State. Reportedly, the AA managed to take control of some more junta camps on Saturday.

· In Paletwa Township of Chin State, there was a battle between a combined force of CDFs and the junta soldiers who had deserted their regiment in Sami.

· In Northern Shan State, the Kachin Independence Army and PDFs took control of Mabai Town on Sunday morning.

· In Mansi Township of Kachin State, the KIA attacked and gained control of Maint Wine Gyi Camp of the junta army Ka-Ma-Ya (424).

The Military Council

· In Tamu of Sagaing Region, the junta army set fire to a sealed house belonging to a member of a local PDF.

· There were negotiations and discussions to continue with agreements to be signed between Myanmar and Egypt.

· The junta leader Min Aung Hlaing told junta soldiers, officers and their families to be united.

Summary on 22 January

· In the areas of the AA and the KIA, the revolutionary forces have gained control of many junta camps and continue to do so. Despite a temporary ceasefire in Shan North thanks to China, the military junta has had to let go of the towns and camps in other areas.

· PDFs have gained control of most of the upcountry region for a long time. Due to the momentum of Operation 1027, even the poorly armed upcountry PDFs have been able to seize big cities and towns partially and fully. If the junta’s weapons confiscated by the EAOs reach the upcountry PDFs, there would be a quick change.