Spring Revolution Daily News for 23 January 2024

Spring Revolution Daily News 23Jan

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· The Military Headquarters under the Ministry of Defence- NUG announced on Monday that revolutionary forces had attacked and gained control of the junta’s suspension bridge camp near Mawkanin Village in Yay Township in Mon State.

· In Dibeyin Township of Sagaing Region, the focal person of a local PDF went to parts of the town under their control and met with PDF members.

· In cooperation with the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children’s Affairs- NUG, Octopus Young Social Group will open a free training called ‘Modern Youth’ Batch (6).

· On Sunday, there was a meeting between the NUG Central Committee on the Interim People’s Administration and Township People’s Administration from Tanintharyi Region, Ayeyarwady Region and Bago Region.

· In Taungoo District of Bago Region, No. (1) Local PDF has been able to control 26 local villages.

· In California State of the United States, the Union Minister and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs- NUG had a friendly meeting with Myanmar Community.

Revolutionary Activities

· In Sagaing Region, a combined rally of local villages from Salingyi Township and Yinmabin Township marched against the military dictatorship on Monday.

· In Zeegone Township, PDFs conducted a guerrilla attack on the junta army and Pyusawti Militia on patrol around the area. Reportedly, three junta members died and two guns were confiscated.

· In the western part of Salingyi Township, a mortar fell near Kywe Ko Taw Village on Saturday morning, killing three local people including a child.

· In Moemait on the border of Northern Shan State and Mandalay Region, heavy fighting was ongoing until Monday and the civilians have been trapped.

· In Madayar, there was a bomb attack via drone on the junta’s General Administration Department. Reportedly, there might have been casualties among junta soldiers.

· In Madayar Township, a member of the Local Monks’ Council lost their life due to the ill-treatment by the junta army.

· In Pulaw Township of Tanintharyi Region, the Karen National Defence Organisation and PDFs attacked the junta’s Nan Taung Inspection Gate.

Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs)

· The CDF Civic Defense Militia-CDM-Siyin announced that they had reopened the Kalay-Thein Ngin Road connecting Kalay to Sagaing Region to Titain and Falam in Chin State.

· On Saturday, the CDF-Daai completed their military training Batch (1).

· According to the Three Brotherhood of Northern Alliance, over 400 junta soldiers who ran away from Paletwa Battle have been fighting on the battlefield of Rakhine.

· In Moegok Township, there was a local battle as the junta army had been invading the area of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA).

· The Three Brotherhood of the Northern Alliance stated that it could not conduct battles to seize towns as they have to follow the ceasefire negotiated by China.

· In Hopone Township of Southern Shan State, there was a battle between the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) and the junta army on Sunday.

· A combined force of the Kachin Independence Army attacked and took control of Mabaing Town. Reportedly, the junta army has been preparing for the defense of Ngar-Oh Village between Kathar Township and Mabaing Township.

· The Three Brotherhood of the Northern Alliance stated that their operation had seemed like moving elsewhere as their Operation 1027 in Northern Shan State had come to a halt under certain conditions.

The Military Council

· According to the junta Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Myanmar donated 1.98 million Yen for the earthquake victims in Japan.

· The junta army raided the Communication Office of the Pa-O National Liberation Organisation (PNLO), which is a signatory of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). Reportedly, they also arrested three officers of the PNLO.

· On Sunday, the 7-storey building of Yangon General Hospital was opened. Present on the occasion was the junta leader Min Aung Hlaing along with the responsible personnel.

· The junta Sagaing Regional Chief Minister U Myat Kyaw was present at the opening ceremony of the computer training conducted by the Department of Communication and Public Relations.

· In the 19th Summit of Non-Bias Organisation, the junta Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister U Than Swe met with the representatives from the UAE, Bangladesh and Uganda.

Summary on 23 January

· Since a great loss in Operation 1027 by the Northern Alliance, the junta armed forces have given up arms in groups and run away to other countries. In other words, the military junta led by Min Aung Hlaing has become disorganized and they have been on the verge of collapse.