Defence Forces attack Tada-U Air Force Base

Brave Warriors for Myanmar (BWM) launched a mortar attack on the junta’s Tada-U airbase


Brave Warriors for Myanmar (BWM) launched a mortar attack on the junta’s Tada-U airbase, which is located next to Mandalay International Airport, on 23 January at about 4:50 p.m.

According to a spokesperson of Brave Warriors for Myanmar (BWM), one of the groups involved in the attacks, they managed to evade the stringent security measures put in place around the airport by the junta.

The spokesperson said: “We attempted to launch 12 107 mm mortar rounds at the air force base. Unfortunately, seven rounds failed to detonate due to equipment malfunctions, while five rounds were successfully fired.”

Junta-associated Telegram channels also said seven unexploded rounds were found at the airbase and confiscated.

Explaining how they got around airport security the BWM spokesperson said: “The security of the Tada-U Air Force Base is reinforced with two fences installed by the Military Council. We had to launch the mortar from a distance of approximately 300 feet from the Military Council troops’ post.”

Since the attack the junta has blocked the entrances to Mandalay Airport and the Tada-U Air Force Base and junta troops are conducting searches in the vicinity of the airports.

Junta planes flying out from Tada-U Air Force Base are launching airstrikes in northern Myanmar.

As well as BWM, other defence forces involved in the airbase attack included the Security and Special Task Force – Mandalay (SSTF MDY) and Urban Special Operations (USO).

Tada-U Air Force Base was previously attacked by defence forces on 9 February 2023.