Myanmar junta brutally kills four resistance fighters, burns down houses, in Sagaing villages

Photo: Sagaing District Medical Team


Military Council troops reportedly carried out a raid on two villages situated along the Sagaing-Monywa Highway in Sagaing Township, Sagaing Region. During the raid, they allegedly killed four fighters belonging to the local resistance force and set fire to 20 houses, as reported by residents.

The junta troops initiated the raid on Leigyi and Ywarma villages in Sagaing Township at approximately 6:30 am on 24 January.

A Ywarma resident said, “Both villages were targeted simultaneously by two columns of junta troops. The four soldiers from the local resistance force in Ywarma village were among those killed. The bodies displayed injuries to the arms and legs, and evidence of explosive injuries suggested that they were initially arrested alive and later shot in the head.”

The junta troops conducted a raid on the two villages, specifically targeting houses suspected to belong to the local resistance forces. The junta soldiers killed the captured four resistance fighters from Ywarma village at the exit of Leigyi Village, according to residents.

The arson committed by the junta troops reportedly led to the destruction of 12 houses in Leigyi Village and eight houses in Ywarma Village. The residents speculated that since there were no ongoing battles near these villages, the raids and burning might have been prompted by information received by the military.

In response to the incident, the Military Council’s propaganda channels have released information claiming that four individuals associated with the local resistance force were apprehended and killed during a raid on two villages in the Sagaing Region. The military asserts that the operation resulted in the seizure of guns and ammunition.