Spring Revolution Daily News for 24 March 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

  • Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun called on the international community to ban the illegal flow of money including cross-border money laundering mainly conducted by the organizations under the military junta.
  • The Deputy Minister of Human Rights-NUG stated that hundreds of Rohingya youth all across Rakhine State have been recruited by force by the military junta and thus, some of them have been trying various ways to escape from it.
  • At 3:00 pm on 21 March, there was a meeting between Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration-NUG and District People’s Administration from Sagaing Region and Magway Region.
  • According to Yangon PDF Special Force, 3 junta army officers including a colonel were injured and a total of 20 others including a deputy colonel died in the attack on the junta’s Yangon Region Military Headquarters.

Revolution Activities

  • In Boatpyin Township of Tanintharyi Region, a combined force of PDFs attacked the junta’s Microwave Tower Camp in the west of Bangalaw Village on Thursday. Reportedly, a junta soldier died and the camp was seized.
  • In the east of Yinmabin Township in Sagaing Region, the junta army has been invading the area since 10:00 am Friday. Consequently, local people have had to run away.
  • In Wetlet, the Local Strike Committee marched against the military dictatorship.
  • In Yinmabin Township, the junta armed forces have been invading the area. Reportedly, thousands of local people from over 10 villages have had to run away.
  • In Thandwe Township of Rakhine State, U Win Shwe, a 100-household leader in Darwa Village who had been involved in collecting the list for the junta’s military servants, was killed on Thursday.
  • In Yesagyo of Magway Region, the junta army fired mortars, killing three people and injuring many others in town.
  • In Mintone Township, nearly the whole village of Hman Village with about 200 houses was burnt to ashes due to the spread of wildfire.
  • According to local residents, a junta convoy, which might head to Mindat in Chin State, left Pakkoku of Magway Region.
  • In the western part of Bago Region, 9 junta administrators and Pyusawti members were shot within a week and 8 of them died on the spot.
  • In Longlone of Tanintharyi Region, local PDFs spread warning letters calling on the junta soldiers to give up arms.
  • The SSRY Eagle Force (1008) based in Shan South completed their military training Batch (2) on Friday.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

  • According to Karenni Combined Force on Saturday, they have been able to control six towns; Mese, Demoso, Ywathit, Shataw, Mawchi and Mobye; in the 1111 Operation. They have also seized 65 junta camps.
  • At the entrance to Moemauk Township, the Kachin Independence Army and their allies attacked and seized two junta units on Myitgyina-Bamaw Road on Thursday. Afterwards, the junta army conducted air strikes.

The Military Council

  • In Mandalay, the military junta set up a so-called local militia with nearly 200 people and equipped them with weapons on Friday.
  • For passports, the Online Appointment System has been used in Yangon, Mandalay, Naypyitaw, Bago and Pathein. It has been conducted via the people in lines at other branches. Starting from 22 March 2024, passports will be issued only with the UID by the Ministry of Immigration and Population.
  • The junta leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing claimed water resources is a key element for the survival of living things and agriculture.
  • According to the junta leader, they have planned to increase the emergency budget for 2024-25 fiscal year due to climate and other factors.
  • In Myanmar, a group for monitoring water resources was formed. They have been carrying out activities to collect the information related to water for a data bank.
  • The junta’s Yangon Region Investment Committee approved of 10 investments, which would create 2843 job opportunities for local people.
  • According to the junta Minister of Health, a total of over 120,000 Tuberculosis patients were diagnosed and treated in 2023 and the success rate was 88%.

Summary on 24 March

  • After the junta’s Military Service Law, a large number of people have left for other countries. At such time, the military junta tightened the rule that passports would be issued only with the UID by Ministry of Immigration and Population, a pillar of military servant recruitment.