Spring Revolution Daily News for 19 October 2023

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, called on the international community to stop the sale of arms and related items to Myanmar’s junta army. He also suggested that they should watch the junta’s intention to build a nuclear reactor.

· At 10:00 am Tuesday, there was a meeting (41/2023) between People’s Police Force under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration-NUG and People’s Security Forces from Sagaing Region and Magwe Region.

· At 1:00 pm Tuesday, there was a meeting (20/2023) between the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public Administration and Township People’s Administration Teams from Yangon Region.

· Daw Zin Mar Aung, the Union Minister of Foreign Affairs-NUG, called for more action of the European Union members for Myanmar’s affairs.

Revolution Activities

· In Sagaing Region, Infinite Revolution Force managed to produce AK-47 weapons.

· In Monywa Prison, the military junta took action against 26 political prisoners including Ko Wai Moe Naing and 8 prison staff members for the hunger strike in there.

· On the border of Yinmabin Township and Pale Township, no less than 15 junta soldiers got injured in the local battle on Sunday.

· In Pale Township, no less than 20 junta soldiers died in the battle near Mone Thwin Village.

· In Ayeyarwady Region, the junta armed forces have been conducting the formation and recruitment of militias.

· In Maha Aungmye Township of Mandalay Region, U Than Min, a hundred-household leader of Thanlyethmaw Western Ward, was shot dead at 12:00 pm Wednesday.

· Even amidst tight security measures of the junta army in Mandalay, local strike committees spread anti-junta brochures on Tuesday evening.

· In Sintku Township, a junta local administrator, who had been staying at the house of his parents-in-law, was shot.

· On Tuesday, Britain announced that they would support another 4.5 million Pounds for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

· In Dawei Township of Tanintharyi Region, a local woman was sentenced to 44 years in prison under 5 charges.

· In Myawaddy Township of Kayin State, a staff member of the local hospital was shot dead in Ward (4) on Tuesday.

· In Yay Township of Mon State, U Zaw Naing Lin, the junta officer of local fishery department, was shot dead at 7:30 am Wednesday while he was having breakfast at Phoo Coffee Shop.

· The UN Refugees Agency called on the international community to keep their attention on the crisis of Rohingya refugees facing the lack of solution to the financial hardships and the return to Myanmar safely.

· In Yesagyo Township of Magwe Region, there was a mine attack on the junta soldiers who had been carrying away the public’s belongings on carts.

· In Nattalin Township of Bago Region, there were three attacks on the junta troops invading local villages in Bago Mountain Range within a day. Reportedly, 6 junta soldiers died.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· In ledo Township of Kawthoolei Administration Area under Karen National Union, the junta army conducted 6 aerial bombings via fighter jets and opened fire via machine guns 6 times.

· In Kyaukgyi Township of Bago Region, the military junta carried out the attacks targeting local community of civilians.

· In Shweku Township of Kachin State, a combined force of Kachin Independence Army and the PDF took control of a junta army camp on Wednesday morning.

· United Wa State Party dismissed two of their officers for leading online swindling.

· In commemoration of their two-year anniversary, Karenni Nationalities Defence Force Regiment (11) Phekone Zone called for the recruitment of 2,000 supporters.

The Military Council

· In Oatpho Township of Bago Region, the junta army arrested those at a gambling event led by the junta police and local Pyusawti members. They then demanded 300,000 MMK for the release of each gambler.

· The junta municipal staff arrested a teenager, a driver of an attached motorbike at Mandalay Zaycho. Reportedly, they beat him to death.

· The junta Minister of Energy said that it was important to be able to resume the operation of factories which had been suspended for various reasons.

· The junta UMFCCI announced that the business people from Yunnan Province would promote their investment in the sectors of energy and mining in Myanmar according to the MOU of China-Myanmar Economic Corridor.

· The junta Passport Department announced that they would renew only the passports of overseas workers and sailors who have the recommendation of tax clearance.

Summary on 19 October

· In the civilian government, they suspended the factories earning no profit for the country. However, the military junta has been trying to resume them for their self-interest.

· Reportedly, the junta army lost a large number of their members all over the country and their camps were confiscated one after another.