NUG incident report for third week of June 2024


The National Unity Government (NUG) issued a summary of incidents that occurred in Myanmar during the third week of June 2024.

Below is the NUG report:

In the third week of June 2024, Myanmar experienced several significant and violent incidents. These included attacks in townships along the Yangon-Mandalay Expressway, the assassination of the abbot of Win Neinmitayon Monastery by the Military Council’s soldiers and provocative bombings by the Military Council in Northern Shan State.

The Yesagyo People’ce Force (PDF) reported that two Military Council warships traveling up the Chindwin River were attacked with small arms and heavy weapons for 20 minutes at the border between Yesagyo Township in Magway Region and Chaung-U Township in Sagaing Region.

In Seikphyu Township, Magway Region, 10 Military Council soldiers were killed during an attack on a Military Council column and military convoy.

Further, a military camp in Pyu Township, Bago Region, was captured by a coalition of Pyu PDF, Tharyawaddy PDF, Alawaka Column, and the Karen National Liberation Army, resulting in the seizure of weapons and ammunition.

Fire Dragon PDF reported that 10 military council soldiers were killed in simultaneous attacks on three military bases in Nyaunglebin Township. These events indicate an increase in attacks in local townships near the Yangon-Mandalay Express-way.

At the Batch (12/a) graduation ceremony of the People’s Defense Army (Mandalay) basic military training, it was observed that almost all the trainees were armed with MA guns produced by the Military Council, demonstrating defence forces’ies to use both the enemy’s and their own weapons.

In Ngazun Township, Mandalay Region, the abbot of Win Neinmitayon Monastery and a retired member of the State Sangha Nayaka Committee were shot dead by the military junta on 19 June, according to Kanthonhsint Sayadaw, who was also in the car and injured during the incident. This event has increased public opposition and pressure on the military junta.

In Northern Shan State, there were violations of the Haigeng Agreement. The army used a drone to bomb the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) camp in Nawnghkio Township, killing two TNLA soldiers. A

military council’s warplane also bombed Taungni Village in Mogok Township, resulting in the death of one civilian and injuries to three others. Additionally, one TNLA soldier was killed in another drone bombing of a TNLA camp near Ohmmati village in Nawnghkio Township.

These provocations and military expansions suggest that fighting may soon re-emerge in the Northern Shan region.