Spring Revolution Daily News for 3 June 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In Thayetchaung Township of Tanintharyi Region, locally-based Daung Min Operation Force conducted an event to raise their flag in commemoration of the third anniversary of their establishment at 7:00 am Saturday.

· Under the Ministry of Defence-NUG, Yinmabin District Defence Force (1) released photos on the 2nd anniversary of their establishment.

Revolution Activities

· In Sintku Township of Mandalay Region, an old woman aged about 80 lost her life and a child aged 13 was hit in the head due to mortars fired by the junta army.

· In Sittway Township of Rakhine State, the junta army killed over 40 civilians in Byaing Phyu Village and arrested more than 100 others. So far, they have not released any of the victims yet.

· The State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been unjustly detained, sent a wreath to the funeral of Thura U Tin Oo, the Patron of the National League for Democracy (NLD).

· In Brisbane of Australia, a discussion on Myanmar’s Spring Revolution, along with a literary talk, was conducted at the GHD Auditorium of University of Queensland at 1:00 pm Saturday.

· In Yebyu Township of Tanintharyi Region, the local PDF opened fire at a junta captain traveling in a car on the way to Dawei.

· In Ye-U Township of Sagaing Region, an old woman, who was sitting outside her house due to excessive heat, was hit with a mortar shell by the junta army and lost her life.

· In Minkin Township, a junta soldier and 5 Pyusawti members, along with weapons, defected to a local PDF.

· In the operations in Karen State and Karenni State, over 400 junta soldiers died in local battles over the period of three years whereas 5 members of the Middle Region Special Operation Force lost their lives.

· In Longlone Township of Tanintharyi Region, Dawei Democracy Movement Strike Committee conducted Ba Htoo Day in memory of Colonel Ba Htoo who died 79 years ago.

· In Yebyu Township, Captain Zin Wine Aung was shot dead on his way out from the junta’s Ka-La-Ya (407) in a car.

· In Pekone Township on the border of Shan and Karenni, the junta army fired mortars into Lwe Paw Village without any battles. As a result, 3 people were injured.

· At the entrance to Monywa, there was a mine attack on a junta convoy. Reportedly, there may have been casualties among the junta soldiers.

· In Yinmabin Township, a combined rally of Shwe Yekyi with the Flag of Victory and local villages protested against the military dictatorship.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· In Chin State, 3 members of the junta’s police station in Falam, including a sergeant, defected to Chin National Organization/ Chin National Defence Force.

· In Karen State, a commander of the Karen National Liberation Army stated that they must not make any mistakes as the battles on Asia Highway and the seizure of the junta camp in Thingan Nyinaung are significant landmarks for the success of the Karen Revolution.

· In Nyaunglebin District of Bago Region, the junta armed forces fired heavy weapons and conducted aerial bombings on local villages. According to Karen National Union (Central), a person lost their life whereas a school and some houses were damaged.

The Military Council

· Under the junta’s Ministry of Science and Technology, the Center on Chemical Technology Research of the Department of Research and Innovation transferred and shared the technologies proposed by MSME businesses in Yangon on Saturday morning. Reportedly, present on the occasion were the junta’s Deputy Minister, responsible personnel and MSMEs.

· On Sunday morning, the junta’s Deputy Minister of Construction inspected the road sections to be upgraded in Nyaung-U Township and gave necessary instructions.

· On Sunday afternoon, the junta’s Regional Commander and the responsible personnel provided school uniforms and stationery to the students from Southwest Military Headquarters for 2024-25 academic year.

Summary on 3 June

· When the revolution has been more than three years, the supporters are getting tired. On the other hand, the revolution forces have had to confront the enemy with superior strength in various sectors. In the long run, the one which can firmly stand will win.