Spring Revolution Daily News for 4 June 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In Kalay District of Sagaing Region, the three units of People’s Defence Force were combined as Regiment (16).

· Ministry of Judiciary Affairs-NUG announced on Monday that there had been a meeting between their Department of Legal Affairs and Township Legal Officers.

· Regarding the ongoing economic crisis in Myanmar, Australian economist Prof. Sean Turnell and the Union Minister of Planning, Finance and Investment-NUG U Tin Tun Naing carried out a press conference on Monday evening.

Revolution Activities

· In Minkin Township of Sagaing Region, the junta army conducted an aerial bombing on a wedding reception in Mataw Village at 8:30 am Monday. Reportedly, about 20 people died and many others were injured.

· In Khin-U, there was an attack on two junta soldiers in town at about 9:00 am Monday. Reportedly, both of them died.

· In Sagaing Township, there was a bomb attack via drone on the junta’s police station in Sataung on Sunday morning.

· In Yinmabin North, a local rally named ‘Let’s Never Get Back in This Revolution’ marched against the military dictatorship on Monday.

· In Yinmabin East and Salingyi North, the local strike committee and the WAB provided menstrual pads for displaced women.

· In Yinmabin Township, a local rally of Daung Thwe Ni with the Flag of Victory led a march against the military dictatorship.

· In Madayar Township of Mandalay Region, there were bomb attacks via drone on the junta armed forces in Panya Village and Tangar Taung Village on 30 May. Reportedly, there might have been casualties among junta soldiers.

· In Mingaladone Township and North Okkalapa Township of Yangon Region, there were bomb explosions at about 8:00 pm Sunday.

· In Oatpho Township of Bago Region, a retired army sergeant named Saw Kay Htoo, who had been recruiting by force for the junta army, was shot dead on Sunday noon.

· In Paungty Township, there was a mine attack junta troops invading Bago Mountain Range on Saturday morning. Reportedly, 3 junta soldiers died.

· In Tanintharyi Township of Tanintharyi Region, a soldier from the junta army in Theinnaw Village, along with weapons, defected to local PDF. Reportedly, he was rewarded 75 lakh MMK.

· In Longlone Township, Dawei Democracy Movement Strike Committee conducted an event in memory of Colonel Ba Htoo, who lost his life 79 years ago.

· In Hlaing Township of Yangon Region, Gambaryi, the youth leader of Arakan National Party, along with 3 other Rakhine young people, was arrested by the junta army on the night of 31 May.

· In Daegu of South Korea, there was a rally against Myanmar’s military dictatorship.

· On 29 May, the US Ambassador to the UN and the Special Envoy of the UN discussed the ongoing crisis in Myanmar, especially the increasing violence against civilians.

· On 29 May, Burma Affairs and Conflict Study – BACS released a report that nearly 4,000 young people had been recruited for the junta’s military training Batch (2).

· In Tokyo and Osaka of Japan, about 7,000 lakh MMK was earned through Spring Thingyan to support the revolution in April.

· In Auronzo di Cadore of Italy, Myanmar families organized the activities for the freedom and democracy in Myanmar.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· In Sittway of Rakhine State, the Arakan Army announced on Sunday that they would take revenge on the junta army which had killed over 50 people from Byaing Phyu Village by tying the victims with ropes at the back, drying them in the hot sun and giving no food till starvation.

· In Thandwe Township of Rakhine State, there has been heavy fighting between the junta army and the AA near Gaw Ward in Ngapali Town since 4:00 pm Sunday. Reportedly, the junta army conducted aerial bombings.

· In Titain of Chin State, there has been ongoing fighting between the junta army and the CDF. According to the PDF Zoland, some houses were burnt down on Sunday night.

· Two junta policemen, who had defected to Chin National Defence Force along with weapons, were rewarded with cash respectively.

· At about 3:00 pm Sunday, there was a heavy battle between the junta’s Aung Zeya Column and the combined force of Karen National Liberation Army.

· The commander of Karen National Liberation Army called for collective efforts not to let go of Thingan Nyinaung seized from the junta army.

· In Ledo Township and Sawti Township under Karen National Union, a person lost their life whereas 5 houses and a school were damaged.

· Captain Saw English, the second officer of Communication and Management of Kawthoolei Army, took away over 30 weapons and some juniors, and joined the Border Guard Force. Consequently, he was removed from the KTLA.

· Regarding the massacre of civilians in Byaing Phyu Village of Rakhine State, Arakan Liberation Party stated that they had nothing to do with it.

The Military Council

· On Sunday night, the military junta issued warrants to 10 gold enterprise owners and traders, accusing them of stimulating the local gold prices to skyrocket.

· According to the junta’s Labour Ministry, there would be action against the overseas employment agencies if they report the wrong list for tax reduction.

· According to the junta’s Ministry of Planning and Finance, tax rates for imported fuel vehicles, to be manufactured by the SKD and the CKD in the country, will be reduced from 1.5% to 4.5% starting from 1 June.

· Preparations have been being made for Mount Popa National Geo-Park to be recognized as a World Geo-Park.

· The junta’s Fishery Department issued warnings to take preventive measures against the flood in fish ponds in case of heavy rain and rising levels of river water, and to follow guidelines in order to reduce the losses.

· In Beelin Township of Mon State, Masaw Bridge was fully repaired and it would be finalized within a few days for trucks to be able to pass over it.

Summary on 4 June

· Due to the junta’s mismanagement, the economy has been declining, along with the value of Myanmar currency. At such time, the military junta has reasoned that budget deficits and the extremely high prices of gold and dollar have happened due to the monopoly in the economy.

They then issued warrants to famous gold business owners and traders, which would have wrong impacts.