Spring Revolution Daily News for 15 February 2024

Spring Revolution Daily News 15 Feb

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· The NUG stated that the Public Military Service Law issued by the military junta is not legal. In addition, the organizations and individuals helping with its implementation would be regarded as committing war crimes and they would face serious action.

· The Chin State Council, Chin State Parliament and Chin State Government have vacancy announcements and they will give priority to those who have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in the Spring Revolution.

· In Tamu Township of Sagaing Region, a junta weapon vehicle was confiscated. Reportedly, four junta soldiers died and weapons were seized.

· The Red Dragon Column of the Southern Military Region completed its basic military training.

· Regarding the junta’s Military Service Law, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs- NUG called on the United Nations, ASEAN, regional countries and world leaders to take action against the junta’s activities as soon as possible.

· In Pauk Kaung Township of Bago Region, combined revolutionary forces conducted a surprise attack on a junta troop of 32 soldiers in Pawlangyi at 1:15 pm on 11 February.

· At 1:00 pm Tuesday, there was a meeting between the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public Administration and a Township People’s Administration from Yangon Region.

Revolutionary Activities

· In Monywa Township of Sagaing Region, a mortar fired by the junta army fell and exploded in a tea-shop in Tanaungtaw (South) Village on Monday afternoon. Reportedly, four civilians lost their lives and eight others were injured.

· In Salingyi, a combined force of PDFs attacked the junta army stationed at the hospital.

· In Tamu Township, an alliance of PDFs attacked the last two camps of the junta army on Sunday. Reportedly, three Pyusawti members died whereas two members of the revolutionary forces were injured.

· The junta army invaded the border area between Dibeyin Township and Ye-U Township on Wednesday. Reportedly, over 5,000 people from 15 villages had to run away.

· In Butalin Township, the Burmese Students’ Union, in cooperation with local people, marched against the military dictatorship.

· In Yinmabin Township, a local rally named ‘Let’s Never Get Back in this Revolution’ marched for the downfall of the military dictatorship.

· In Latbadaung Taung Area of Salingyi Township, there was a rally against the military dictatorship, holding signs in support of the revolution.

· In the eastern part of Madayar Township in Mandalay Region, there was a mine attack on a junta’s convoy of three military trucks on its way back after invading local villages and killing two people.

· In Kyauksi, two members of the Union Solidarity and Development Party were shot at about 2:00 pm Tuesday after joining the rally in support of the junta’s Military Service Law. Reportedly, one of them died.

· In Pakkoku Township of Magwe Region, there were attacks via mortars and drones on the junta’s Wazi Factory at about 10:00 pm Tuesday.

· In Myaing Township of Magwe Region, there was an attack on a junta troop near Thanbayarchan Village. Reportedly, two junta soldiers died and weapons were confiscated.

· In a local village of Magwe Region, local people called on the military junta to provide adequate healthcare to the political prisoners.

· In Hlaingtharyar Township of Yangon Region, there were attacks using remote mines on the junta’s combined office and No. (9) Police Force on Tuesday night. Reportedly, there might have been casualties.

· In some places of Yangon, there were rallies against the death of children and the damaging of schools due to the junta’s air strikes.

· In Pantaung Township of Bago Region, a member of the Ayeyarwady Revolution Force was arrested on 26 January. Reportedly, the military junta forced him to call the other members into a trap to arrest them.

Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs)

· In Karenni State, a combined force of the Karenni Revolution Forces attacked and took complete control of Shataw Town. Reportedly, they caught over 40 prisoners of war.

· On Wednesday, some leaders of the New Mon State Party announced that despite a long-term ceasefire, the military junta could not solve political issues and they had to surrender many camps. As the junta army oppresses Mon people in various ways, the NMSP will fight them back.

· According to the New Mon State Party (Fight the Military Dictatorship), they will fight for the end of the military dictatorship to protect the people and gain self-determination.

· The Arakan Army took complete control of six towns; Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Pauktaw, Taungpyo and Paletwa.

· In Kyauktaw of Rakhine State, the AA gained control of all the junta camps. They then released photos in which the AA members were standing in front of the junta’s departments.

· In local battles in Rakhine State, the AA attacked and seized another junta vessel. Reportedly, they managed to destroy five vessels within six days.

· After taking control of the junta armed forces based in Kyauktaw, the AA released photos of weapons confiscated.

· Junta soldiers discarded their weapons in forests while running away in local battles. On Tuesday, the AA announced financial rewards for those who find those weapons and bring them to the AA.

The Military Council

· In a meeting with 42 registered political parties, the junta leader said that they would take care of activities so that the Public Military Service Law would not become a burden to the nation.

· On Tuesday, the junta leader claimed that necessary amendments had already been issued for the by-election.

· On Tuesday, the military junta announced that it had set up a committee to conscript people.

· On Tuesday, the military junta stated that they had brought life to the Law on Reserve, which would recruit former soldiers and retired ones again.

· After the Thingyan holidays, the recruitment conscription will begin and there will be 5,000 trainees per batch. The junta propaganda leader said that the details would come later.

· On Tuesday, there was a meeting between the junta’s National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) and representatives from the 7 EAOs, signatories of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement, in Naypyitaw. Reportedly, they discussed ways to achieve peace and stability in the country.

· Korea will call more workers in the service sector. Therefore, not only men but also women will be able to take the EPS-TOPIK) Test in 2024.

· On Tuesday, there was a meeting between the junta’s Foreign Minister and the junta’s Ambassadors.

· On Wednesday, the junta’s Central Bank sold $5.83 million USD to the foreign currency market.

· The junta’s Electricity Department has been arranging to purchase 1000mw via the border powerline of Laos.

· According to the junta’s Ministry of Commerce, the export of minerals earned 233.197 million USD from April 2023 to 2 February 2024.

· After the release of Public’s Military Service Law, the military junta has placed restrictions on tourism and even local travelers have had to carry travel cards.

Summary on 15 February

· As the military junta has not been able to solve political issues in political ways, some leaders of the NMSP decided to join hands with revolutionary forces and fight the military dictatorship. It highlights the great loss of the military junta in political and military sectors.

· With a great loss in human resources, the military junta has been in a rush to recruit new members. They also revived the law to summon former soldiers again. In other words, they have had to fill up their vacancy in a hurry.