Spring Revolution Daily News for 21 March 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In the meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the United Nations in New York from 13 to 18 March, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the UN called on the international community to take necessary measures against the junta’s recruitment by force.

· In the statement on the 36th Chin Revolution Day, Committee Representing Pyitaungsu Hluttaw expressed sincere thanks to the ethnic heroes. They also vowed that they, in cooperation with Chin nationalities and other ethnic people, would overcome any challenges on the path towards a federal democratic union.

· In Tanintharyi Region, Local Public’s Administration announced that they would take action against those implementing the junta’s Military Service Law in Myeik and Kawthaung Township.

Revolution Activities

· In Yinmabin Township of Sagaing Region, a rally named ‘Let’s Never Get Back in This Revolution’ marched against the military dictatorship on Wednesday.

· In Taze Township, the junta soldiers from Ka-Ma-Ya (361) and Pyusawti Militia set fire to Myauk-In Village and Oh-The Village without any local battles at about 11:00 am Monday. Reportedly, 33 houses were burnt to ashes and a woman lost her life.

· On Tuesday, Yangon Urban Forces warned that there would be serious action against those helping with the implementation of the junta’s Military Service Law in various ways.

· In Sanchaung Township of Yangon Region, the Chair of Local Strike Committee stated that there would be serious action, not only against the implementers of the junta’s Military Service Law, but also against their families.

· Five Yangon UGs warned that they would regard those implementing the junta’s Military Service Law as the junta’s pillars and there would be serious action against them.

· In Wandwin Township of Mandalay Region, the junta administrator of Thigone Village, who had been implementing the junta’s Military Service Law, was shot dead on Tuesday evening.

· In Maha Aung Myay Township of Mandalay Region, two revolution forces conducted an attack via 107mm grenades on Yadanar Pone Hall, belonging to the son of the junta leader, near the corner of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Street and the 78th Street at 4:30 am Tuesday.

· In Salin Township of Magway Region, a junta administrator was shot dead on Monday night as he was persuading the public to join the military service.

· In Nattalin Township of Bago Region, the administrator of Pyinpone Village, who had claimed that the whole village would serve the military duty, and local Pyusawti leader were shot at 9:30 pm Monday. Reportedly, one of them died.

· On the border of Tanintharyi Region and Mon State, the junta soldiers locked Mahlwe Taung Inspection Gate and ran away as the revolution forces conducted inspection on No. (8) Yay-Dawei Union Road on Tuesday.

· In Moekaung Township of Kachin State, an unknown armed group assassinated U Kun Jolly, a Christian religious teacher and human rights activist, on Monday. Regarding it, Kachin Human Rights Watch expressed their condemnation.

· The book on the prison experience of Sean Turnell, the Australian economist who had been released from the junta’s detention, is being translated into Burmese and the translated version will come out soon.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· The Ta’ang National Liberation Army announced that they would take serious action against those implementing the junta’s Military Service Law.

· According to Karen National Union (Central), the junta army fired heavy weapons to local villages in Nyaunglebin District of Bago Region on the night of 16 March. Reportedly, a civilian lost life.

· In Hpapun of Karen State, there were attacks on the junta armed forces in town on Tuesday morning. Reportedly, a junta soldier died.

· In Kawkarait Township under the KNU Brigade (6), 11 junta soldiers died, 4 others got injured and another 66 soldiers including the strategist, raised the white flag in a battle at the junta’s strategic camp in Kyaikdone.

· In Kyar-In Seikgyi Township, Karen National Liberation Army and Special Operation Force attacked and seized the junta’s Methayawta Camp on Tuesday. Reportedly, 5 dead bodies of the junta soldiers and 61 weapons were confiscated.

· In Myawaddy Township, the KNU took complete control of the junta’s Ka-Ma-Ya (356) based in Thingan Nyinaung. Reportedly, 11 junta soldiers died and 10 weapons were confiscated.

· In Minbya Township of Rakhine State, the junta army conducted an aerial bombing via fighter jet on Thardar Village. Reportedly, 22 Rohingya people including 11 children lost their lives and 29 others were injured, according to the Arakan Army.

· The AA released the photos that some Rohingya people, who had been recruited by the junta army by force, lost their lives in a battle to seize Yathay Taung.

· In Tanai Township of Kachin State, Kachin Independence Army Brigade (2) took control of the junta’s Ka-La-Ya (297) based in Nam Ga wn on Monday night. They then burnt down the camp.

· On Monday, Chin National Front announced that they, in cooperation with the public, would fight against any activities prohibiting the establishment of Chin Nationality and Chin State in accordance with Chin State Constitution.

The Military Council

· On Wednesday morning, there was a bid sale on the Residence (54) belonging to State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on University Avenue in Yangon Region. Reportedly, there were no buyers.

· The junta’s Labor Ministry stated that there would be action against the employment agencies asking money from the workers by showing the untrue demand letters.

· According to the junta Ministry of Education, there would be special arrangements for the students who had registered for 2024 University Entrance Exam and could not take it, to retake.

· According to the junta’s loan committee, up to 3,000 lakh MMK would be loaned to oil mill business people for their capital.

· The junta Minister of Health claimed that Myanmar, in cooperation with other stakeholders, would combat malnutrition in the ASEAN Region.

· The medical diploma course, which had been suspended, would resume.

· According to the junta’s Ministry of Construction, there would soon be rental contracts for those who had won the lots at Thukha Dagon Public’s Housing.

· Those who had won the lucky draw to reside at Thukha Dagon Housing must follow the rules and the apartments would be confiscated from those who fail to live there.

· The junta Central Bank revoked the license of another 3 money changers for not following their rules and regulations.

· On Tuesday, the People’s Party called for the By-Law to relieve the concerns of the public regarding the military service and action against the activities beyond the law.

· The military junta instructed travel agents to sell tickets only to those who have recommendation from the administrators or police station for local travel in the country.

· In Kangyidaunk Township of Ayeyarwady Region, a man who had been selected for military service in Yedwinchaung Village, drank poison on the evening of 17 March.

· In Thanlyin Township of Yangon Region, three young people from a household were selected for military service in Kalawe Village. Reportedly, the family attacked the administrator saying that he was wicked.

· The military junta banned the travel of those holding the National Registration Card (11) for Rakhine State.

· In the area under the KNU Brigade (6) in Karen State, nearly 50 junta soldiers, along with weapons, ran into Thailand due to the fighting of the KNLA and the PDF.

Summary on 21 March

· With a great loss in military affairs and human resources, the junta army led by Min Aung Hlaing have recruited the youth by force under the Military Service Law. They have prompted fear and concern amongst the people throughout the country.