Conscription has started in 172 Myanmar townships


The junta is now implementing the conscription law in 172 townships, where selection of candidates for the army draft is now underway, according to Data for Myanmar.

The Conscription Law, despite being bought in by an earlier dictatorship, was only enacted on 10 February 2024. Initially, the junta started selecting candidates for conscription in the regions of Yangon Ayeyarwady and Bago and the Union Territory of Naypyitaw because of their high populations.

The junta is planning to soon commence conscription in the remaining 158 of Myanmar’s 330 townships, though it has not yet announced when.

Many young adults have already fled their homes to avoid being selected for conscription, with many trying to get to Thailand or other neighbouring countries. If people flee after having been selected for military service their family members are often threatened by the junta and forced to pay money.

Defence forces and the National Unity Government (NUG) have encouraged people not to participate in the conscription process. In some areas there is unrest over the way junta administrators are summoning youths and selecting them for conscription. Across the country administrators and other officials implementing the Conscription Law have been killed.

The Conscription Law states that men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 are eligible for conscription and if conscripted they must serve a minimum of two years in the army. Additionally, anyone deemed to have ‘specialist’ skills can be conscripted up to the age of 45 for men and 35 for women and will have to serve a minimum of three years.