Spring Revolution Daily News for 2 April 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In Dawei Township of Tanintharyi Region, the Cuckoo Medical Team has been providing healthcare to displaced people and the People’s Defence Forces (PDFs).

· According to Dawna Column, they will raise the momentum of warfare against the military junta and thus, they will allow travel on No. (8) Union Road from the south of Yay to Thayetchaung of Dawei District only within the specified period of time.

· At 10:00 am Sunday, there was a meeting between the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public’s Administration and Township People’s Administration from Tanintharyi Region, Ayeyarwady Region and Bago Region.

· Monywa PDF under Ministry of Defence-NUG announced that they had conducted 13 attacks on the junta armed forces in Chaung-U and Myinmu Township on Monywa-Mandalay Road in March, killing 34 junta soldiers.

· The NUG stated that they had launched a Public’s Affairs Service for report, investigation and advice related to the junta’s recruitment by force.

· In Myaing of Magway Region, the PDFs carried out simultaneous attacks on the junta army stationed in the hospital and at Mandalay Gate. They also burnt some buildings where the junta soldiers have been staying.

Revolution Activities

· In Dawei and Tanintharyi Township of Tanintharyi Region, a combined force of the PDFs conducted simultaneous attacks on the junta armed forces on Sunday morning.

· In Paris, France, a public meeting was conducted for the victory of the Spring Revolution against the military dictatorship in Myanmar on Sunday.

· In Ayeyarwady Region, there was shooting in Phyarpone Prison. According to Political Prisoners’ Network Myanmar, 17 prisoners including political prisoners were injured.

· Within three days, the local PDFs attacked the junta armed forces three times in Chaung-U and Myinmu Township on Monywa-Mandalay Road.

· In Salingyi Township and Yinmabin Township of Sagaing Region, the junta armed forces have been invading the area for 11 days. Consequently, over 8,000 people from over 10 villages have been in need of food.

· In Yinmabin Township, a local rally named ‘Taung Pu Thway’, along with the public and students, protested against the junta’s Military Service Law.

· On Sunday, there was a guerrilla attack on troops on their way to support the junta’s unit in Dawei. Reportedly, there were a large number of casualties among junta soldiers.

· In Wetlet Township, the Burmese Students’ Union conducted an anti-junta movement, along with a public talk.

· In Butalin Township, Burmese Students’ Union led a march, chanting slogans for the revolution.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· The revolution forces based in Mon State announced that the momentum of the revolution would not stop just because of the junta’s war crimes against the public.

· On Sunday night, Kachin Independence Army managed to take control of Sein Lone Taung Strategic Camp, where the junta armed forces had been stationed for nearly 70 years.

· The Education Minister of the Interim Chin State Government stated that they had been trying to support the continuous learning of the students who had had to run to India due to local battles.

· According to the PKPF on Monday, 70 junta soldiers died in Karenni State and there were over 100 air strikes in March.

The Military Council

· In Myaybone of Rakhine State, the junta army dropped fire bombs on Yakhinegone Jetty. Reportedly, a school and four people’s houses were burnt to ashes.

· Due to the junta’s aerial bombing, no less than five people including the families of the junta soldiers lost their lives on their way from Lweje on Myanmar-China border. There were also other people injured in the incident.

· Along with the responsible personnel, the junta Minister of Electricity inspected the operation of Mechanic Department (Hlawkhar) in Mingaladone Township of Yangon Region.

· For “outstanding” security forces from Northeast Military Headquarters, prize money and food items were provided.

Summary on 2 April

· The revolution against the military junta has been in great momentum throughout the nation. In Mon State, the revolution forces have attacked the junta armed forces at various locations. On the other hand, the military junta tends to target the civilians in their attacks if they have a great loss. Therefore, local people should be cautious of the military affairs in the area and prepare for displacement at any time.