Administrators of KNU controlled townships hold conference


The first Kawthoolei Township Administrators conference finished on 11 May 2024.

Below is a 12 May 2024 statement detailing what happened at the conference.

The Kawthoolei Township Administrators (Kaw Sar Koh) Conference, the first ever event focusing on the coordination of governance and public administration within the Karen National Union’s administered region, culminated in resounding success. Held over two days, followed by three days of intensive workshops, the conference brought together 54 township administrators and secretaries, creating a dynamic platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and skill enhancement.

The primary objective of the conference was to address the critical governance challenges faced by administrators across the 27 townships under the Karen National Union’s administration. Through insightful discussions and strategic planning sessions, participants explored innovative strategies aimed at improving public administration and community engagement.

The conference agenda was carefully crafted to cover a diverse range of topics, including communication strategies, administrative efficiency, and community involvement initiatives. These discussions not only identified practical solutions but also laid the foundation for sustained improvements across Kawthoolei.

The subsequent workshops delved deeper into the practical aspects of governance and administration. Participants actively engaged in hands-on training, facilitated discussions, and the development of actionable plans aligned with the newly introduced Kawthoolei Governance and Administrative Handbook.

One of the highlights of the event was the opportunity for extensive networking and relationship- building among participants. Informal exchanges of ideas and experiences during these sessions fostered a spirit of collaboration that is expected to endure beyond the conference’s conclusion.

In essence, the Kaw Sar Koh Conference and Workshops were not merely a short-term initiative but a crucial step towards sustained cooperation and capacity building among township administrators and secretaries. By leveraging their collective expertise, the participants aim to significantly contribute to the ongoing enhancement of public administration in the whole of Kawthoolei.