Karen Intergenerational Leadership Conference, held from 18 to 19 May 2024

Photo: KILC facebook page


The Karen Intergenerational Leadership Conference, held from 18 to 19 May 2024 aimed to nurture and harness leadership potential within the Karen community.

The two-day conference, titled: Bridging the Past, Present and Future for Our National Self-Determination, was attended by more than 120 Karen leaders of all ages and experience levels. It served as a platform for seasoned leaders of the KNU and emerging Karen talents to share insights, discuss challenges, and forge meaningful connections.

The conference is seen as a crucial step towards building a queue of future Karen leaders who can guide the Karen community through its present challenges and on to a prosperous future.

The conference included three breakout sessions focusing on different sectors:

• Security and Justice Sector: Discussions centered on ensuring safety, justice, and the rule of law within the Karen community.

• Social and Environmental Sector: Participants explored ways to address social issues and environmental sustainability in Kawthoolei.

• Political and Economic Sector: This session examined the political landscape and economic strategies for future development.

A special panel discussion on “Governance and Self-determination: Overcoming Human Resources Challenges in Building Kawthoolei” highlighted the critical need to address human resource challenges to achieve effective governance and self-determination.

The key messages at the conference from the conference leaders were as follows:

Chairman of the KNU, Pdoh Kwe Htoo Win:

• Emphasized the collective responsibility of all Karen people in the struggle for self-determination.

• Highlighted the need for unity among Karen organizations and individuals to overcome various challenges and achieve political goals.

• Called for active participation from Karen people globally to fill leadership and governance gaps.

Pdoh Tardohmoo, General Secretary of KNU:

• Presented KNU’s political stance and future plans.

• Discussed the concept and plan for the Kawthoolei Consultative Council (KCC) and the Kawthoolei Charter.

• Expounded on the need to consider diverse political opinions and demographic populations in the future Kawthoolei.

Saw Kapi, Director of SGPA and Secretary of KNU’s Governance Capacity Strengthening Committee:

• Celebrated the commitment to the ideals of “Self-determination: Forging Collaborations and Coordination for a Self-governed Kawthoolei.”

• Honored the sacrifices of past Karen revolutionary leaders and emphasized the importance of their legacy.

• Stressed the need for global talents to contribute to rebuilding Kawthoolei, highlighting the essential roles of architects, engineers, medical professionals, legal scholars, and trade experts.

• Underlined the importance of education, entrepreneurial ecosystems, and a robust legal framework for the community’s progress.

According to the conference organisers:

“The Karen Intergenerational Leadership Conference marked a crucial step in bringing Karen national leaders and emerging Karen talents into one room. By fostering intergenerational collaboration, empowering the youth, and building a strong foundation for future Kawthoolei, the conference aimed to address current challenges and work towards achieving the collective aspirations of the Karen people. Through combined strength and convergence of ideas, the Karen community is poised to navigate the present and build a more peaceful and progressive future.