Myanmar junta has destroyed 116 religious buildings in Chin State since coup



Since the February 2021 Myanmar coup 116 religious buildings have been destroyed in Chin State, according to a 26 May report by the Chin Human Rights Organisation (CHO).

Since the coup until May 2024 airstrikes, shelling, and arson attacks by the junta have reportedly destroyed 116 religious-buildings, 26 hospitals and healthcare facilities, and 49 schools.

Junta troops have been systematically attacking non-military targets across Myanmar, particularly in Chin State. CHRO has been documenting the attacks on civilian targets in Chin State, so that action can be taken against the perpetrators in the international courts, at a later date. 

Religious buildings, schools, and healthcare facilities have been attacked and destroyed in all nine townships in Chin State. Thantlang Township suffered the most significant damage, with over 40 buildings destroyed. Buildings in Mindat, Hakha, and Falam townships also faced substantial damage, according to an official from the CHRO.

These attacks were deliberate. The message to civilians was clear, civilian places would not be spared.The destruction of property has caused us great anger”, said the CHRO official.

He also said that the junta is aware that there is large-scale opposition to the coup and support for the revolution in Chin State which has prompted the targeted destruction of religious buildings, schools, and hospitals by junta troops every time they have had a major clash with defence forces in Chin State.

“They try to scare us. We are embittered, but we will never accept them”, said an ethnic Chin person who has had to flee to Mizoram due to the unrest in Chin State.

The nine townships in Chin State are Thantlang, Hakha, Falam, Kanpetlet, Mindat, Tedim, Matupi, Paletwa, and Tonzang. Most of the people in the state are Christians and there are many churches throughout the state.