NUG condemns junta massacre of over 50 villagers in Byine Phyu Village

Rakhine State, Sittwe Township Map

Image: Google Earth


Following a junta attack and massacre of over 50 people in Byine Phyu Village, in Rakhine State’s Sittwe Township on 29 May, the National Unity Government (NUG) has issued a statement condemning the attack.

According to a statement about the massacre by the Arakan Army (AA), the junta soldiers were supported by fighters from the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP). The ALP has denied this, there was no mention of the ALP in the NUG statement.

The AA also claimed that 53 people had died, whereas the NUG statement puts the number of deaths at 51.

Below is the 3 June 2024 statement from the NUG:

On the morning of 29 May 2024, the terrorist Military Council’s troops of more than 170 soldiers, from the Sittwe-based Regional Operation command’s column, Pakokku-based Division (101) column and selected troops of other battalions, entered and blocked Byai Phyu Village, next to the Sat-Yoe-Kya Creek, in Sittwe, Rakhine State. The entire village including men, women and infants, was summoned to come out to the streets and a total of (51) people, including (48) men and (3) women between the ages of 15 and 70, were violently tortured and killed.

During the incident, the terrorist military council forces robbed gold, cash, mobile phone devices, motorcycles and brutally tortured the men, sexually assaulted some women, and murdered a total of (51) villagers. They also burned down houses and committed another massacre and war crimes in Minkin Taw Ywar Thit village and Minkin Taw Ywar Haung village, next to Byai Phyu village on 1 June, 2024.

The National Unity Government is striving its best to protect the entire public from the targeted attacks and killings of the terrorist Military Council. We strongly condemn the brutal killing of civilians and vow to bring all those involved, whether directly or indirectly, in ongoing war crimes, massacres and crimes against humanity committed by the terrorist Military Council, to justice, as soon as possible. We will cooperate and work tirelessly with relevant organisations who seek justice, including regional and local revolutionary allies, to claim justice for all affected victims