China donates six patrol boats to Myanmar junta


China has donated six patrol vessels to the Myanmar junta according to a statement by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) embassy in Yangon.

These six patrol boats were transferred to Myanmar in Yangon on 11 June. They will be used to keep waterways safe, to carry out water rescues and to protect water resources.

The Chinese embassy in Yangon said that the transfer of these vessels would deepen cooperation between the two countries and increase their abilities to keep law and order by helping eliminate crime associated with gambling, fraud and narcotics, which will protect Myanmar and China’s common interests.

Having said that the junta has also used boats to terrorise civilians by launching attacks on villages from boats.

China is a major investor in Myanmar and is one of the main countries supplying the Myanmar junta with weapons, which it uses to oppress, murder and terrorise the people of Myanmar.

According to a UN report issued in 2023, since the February 2021 coup until the time of the report, the Myanmar junta imported weapons worth US$ one billion from Russia, China and Singapore