Karenni revolutionary forces capture strategic Mae Salong Hill Camp in Karenni State


The Karenni Revolutionary Joint Forces have successfully captured the Mae Salong Hill camp, a strategic Military Council camp in Bawlakhe Township, Karenni State, according to the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF).

After two weeks of persistent attacks, the Karenni forces took control of the Junta’s Mae Salong Hill camp near Nan Phe village, situated next to the Union Highway that connects Hpruso Township to Bawlakhe Township. The capture occurred on 25 June and marks the second time the Karenni Joint Revolutionary Forces have seized this camp.

The Mae Salong Hill camp was initially taken by the Karenni forces in 2023, but junta troops subsequently repositioned there, necessitating another offensive by the Karenni Revolutionary Joint Forces.

“Mae Salong Hill camp is located on the Union Highway, which links the townships of Hpruso and Bawlakhe. To get to Bawlakhe, you have to pass that Mae Salong Hill camp. That’s why the junta troops were stationed in that camp to protect Bawlakhe Township,” said Saw Ta Eh Soe, information officer for the KNDF.

Situated beside the Hpruso-Bawlakhe Union Road, the Mae Salong Hill camp is only five miles from Bawlakhe Town. The junta had been based there for approximately thirty years.

“We have captured that camp before, but then the Junta launched an offensive to regain the camp. Our forces had taken that camp, but we were not positioned there. That’s why the junta forces were stationed there. Now, we captured the camp again. A lot of soldiers died and ammunition was seized,” said Saw Ta Eh Soe.

While there isn’t a significant battle currently taking place in Bawlakhe Township, the deployment of junta forces in Loikaw Township has led to nearly daily skirmishes, according to KNDF.