Spring Revolution Daily News for 3 July 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In Madayar Township of Mandalay Region, Mandalay People’s Defence Force has seized control of 8 junta camps. Additionally, they have detained 67 junta members who gave up arms and their 117 family members.

· In Melbourne, Australia, the Union Minister of Foreign Affairs-NUG Daw Zin Mar Aung met with the leaders of some ethnic organizations.

· In Khin-U of Sagaing Region, a second sergeant named Kyaw Soe Thu, from the junta army stationed in the local hospital, defected to Township People’s Security Force.

· The Ministry of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Risks Management-NUG stated on Tuesday that there might be more rain in Kachin State with ongoing floods until 10 July. They also warned the public from many parts of the country to take caution over flooding.

· In Sagaing Region, Kalay District PDF jointly conducted their basic mine training Batch (28) and basic military training Batch (3).

· At 3:00 pm Monday, there was a meeting (35/2024) between Central Committee on the Interim Public’s Administration-NUG and Township People’s Administration from Sagaing Region.

· Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations stated that he has repeatedly called for the application of the R2P Policy to rescue the helpless in Myanmar and it has long been overdue to take action.

· Yangon Regional Headquarters announced that they had established another force (5102) to uproot the military junta.

Revolution Activities

· In Tarmway Township and Thaketa Township of Yangon Region, local people conducted movements in support of religious strikes by the monks.

· In Yinmabin Township of Sagaing Region, a rally named ‘Let’s Never Get Back in This Revolution’ led a march against the military dictatorship on Tuesday.

· In Thabaitgyin Township of Mandalay Region, there were attacks on the junta camps on Twinnge-Moemait Road. Reportedly, People’s Liberation Army, in cooperation with Ta’ang National Liberation Army, has seized control of the road section starting from 30 June.

· In Indaw Township of Sagaing Region, the PDF caught another junta soldier who had run away from the battle to seize the junta camp in Nantthar Village.

· In Sintku Township and Thabaitgyin Township of Mandalay Region, the junta army has been conducting air attacks on local villages along the Moegoke-Mandalay Road. Consequently, thousands of local people have had to run away.

· According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Monday, more than 3 million people have been displaced in Myanmar since the military coup.

· In Shwebo Township of Sagaing Region, there was an event to salute a comrade who had lost his life.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· On Monday, Chin National Organization announced that many weapons including 2 heavy machine guns had been confiscated in the battle to seize Matupi of Chin State.

· According to Ta’ang National Liberation Army, the junta army shot heavy weapons at civilian targets in Kyaukme and Hsipaw Townships, killing 3 people and injuring 5 others.

The Military Council

· The junta’s Department of Meteorology and Hydrology stated on Tuesday that the water level of Ayeyarwady River would fall below the point of concern in Myitkyina of Kachin State within the following two days.

· On Monday night, the military junta announced that they would take action against the responsible personnel from 7 private banks for issuing housing loans beyond the instruction of the junta’s Central Bank. They added that they would identify and do the same to the responsible personnel of the Central Bank for their poor supervision on the banks.

· The junta’s Union Election Commission rejected the application of Arakan National Party (ANP) for the registration as a political party.

· The Labour Ministry of Thailand announced that they would close down all the centres issuing Certificates of Identity to undocumented Myanmar migrant workers starting from 7 July due to the request of Myanmar’s military junta.

· In Tachileik of Eastern Shan State, a total of 295 Chinese citizens – 288 men and 7 women – had been arrested in Parset Ward on 28 June as they had been doing online gambling.

Summary on 3 July

· In Madayar Township, Mandalay PDF gained control of the area near the Alpha Cement Factory, which is just 20 miles away from Mandalay. Therefore, most people remark that they might be the very first PDF who would be able to enter a big city.