New boycott list of Junta-aligned companies released


Photo: GSCB

The General Strike Coordination Body (GSCB) added eight new types of goods and services to its boycott list of companies that provide profits to the Myanmar junta.

The products added to the list were the Aungbarlay Lottery, Nan Myaing Coffee, Shwe Phe Oo Instant Tea Mix and Lemon Tea. Also added were the following junta-controlled bus and transport companies: Shwe Mann Thu, Shwe Myaing Thu, Pathein Thu, Than Myan Thu, and Shan Malay

This is the second version of the boycott list, which is now twice as long. There were eight businesses on the original list, which are also on the newer list. They were Myanmar Beer, products from the Andaman Gold Brewery, and the Dagon Brewery, Mandalay Beer and Rum, Black Shield Stout, Army Rum, Red Ruby cigarettes, and Premium Gold Cigarettes.

The GSCB leader Dr. Tayzarsan said: “As a first step eight brands including alcohol, beer, and cigarette brands run by the terrorists [military junta] were announced. The public took part in the boycott campaign and shunned Myanmar Beer, Andaman Gold, Dagon, and so on, on a large scale. They avoided using, purchasing and distributing them, it was very successful. We also saw that people were being forced at gunpoint to sell Myanmar Beer [by the junta]. It was a display of public strength.”

He encouraged people to participate in the boycott campaign because it is essential to cut off the junta’s sources of income and is the least risky way for the people to participate in the revolution.