Three women injured by mortar fire in Sagaing’s Pale Township

House that was damaged as a result of the mortar shells

House that was damaged as a result of the mortar shells

Three women were injured by an 80mm mortar round in Tharyarkone Village, Pale Township, Sagaing Region, at around 10:00 a.m. on 29 October.

According to locals, three 80mm mortar rounds were fired into Tharyarkone Village from Inmahtee Village, which is a Pyu Saw Htee village. This means it is controlled and occupied by the junta-aligned Pyu Saw Htee militia.

“Three women were injured, and one house was damaged as a result of the mortar shells. One of the injured women is in critical condition at the hospital”, said a resident of Tharyarkone Village.

According to locals, this is the third time that heavy weapon fire has hit Tharyarkone Village which is located two miles north of Inmahtee Village.

A villager from Tharyarkone Village said: “Our village is close to Inmahtee Village, so we cannot live in peace. When the soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee run out of food they resort to robbing and looting from the villagers. They even use carts to carry away the food.”

According to reports, large parts of Tharyarkone Village, which originally consisted of 200 houses, have been destroyed and about 50 houses have been burnt down by junta forces.