Spring Revolution Daily News for 2 November 2023

Spring Revolution

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· U Yi Mon, Minister of Defence-NUG, stated that victory is just at hand if everyone takes part unitedly in the revolution war.

· On Tuesday, there was a meeting (43/2023) between People’s Police Force under Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration-NUG and People’s Security Force from Sagaing Region and Magwe Region.

· At 1:00 pm Tuesday, there was a meeting (21/2023) between Central Committee on the Interim Public Administration-NUG and Township People’s Administration from Yangon Region.

· The NUG stated that in addition to building a federal union, they would carry out a political and peace process based on a federal democratic charter only.

· On 28 October, Working Committee on Chin Conference stated that they had been able to amend the draft of Chin State Constitution for the second time.

Revolution Activities

· As the 1000-day anniversary of the military coup, Myanmar people in Japan conducted a protest in Tokyo.

· The government of the United States slapped sanctions targeting Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise, a strong financial source for Myanmar’s military junta.

· On Tuesday night, a combined force of Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) managed to take control of the junta police station of Pan Seng in Northern Shan State. Reportedly, the townspeople got injured due to heavy artillery and air attacks by the junta army and militias.

· In the Operation 1027 by the three forces of Northern Alliance, the number of displaced people has reached up to over 20,000, and no less than 10 civilians have lost their lives.

· In Ngazun Township of Mandalay Region, there were mine attacks on the junta army three times within a day. Reportedly, there were casualties.

· Yebaw Thanke, Chair of All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) stated that the military junta has faced anti-junta protests, not only locally, but also internationally.

· The UK, the US and Canada imposed sanctions on 5 individuals including two sons of crony U Tay Za and a business for importing weapons and supporting the military junta financially.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· On Tuesday, Karenni Nationalities Defence Force released an emergency warning that the public are not to travel on Tipawso-Dawnyayku Road indefinitely in Fruso Township of Karenni State.

· In Kokang Area Special Zone (1) in Northern Shan State, 15 members of the junta’s militia defected to the Northern Alliance.

· The Northern Alliance managed to destroy 5 junta tanks equipped with WMA-301 mortars.

· In Kunglone Township, the whole regiment of the junta army Ka-La-Ya (143) based in Kanmai defected to the Northern Alliance.

· Within 5 days of Operation 1027, the Northern Alliance has gained complete control of over 80 junta camps and the towns such as Chinshwehaw, Phaungsai and Theinni.

· In Kunlone Township, the Northern Alliance managed to take control of the last junta camp in the area, Kunlone Strategic Camp, on Wednesday afternoon.

· Karen National Union (Central) announced that 8 people including 3 children had been injured due to the mortars shot by the junta army in Nyaunglebin District of Bago Region.

· The Northern Alliance called for the junta members to defect, giving them the guarantee that they will take responsibility for the safety of such individuals and the contact with the families as soon as possible.

· According to the MNDAA, they provided the financial reward of 700 lakh MMK to the whole regiment of Ka-La-Ya (143) which had defected to them, with 15 lakh MMK per soldier.

The Military Council

· On the night of Tuesday, the military junta declared that their patience for the Kachin Independence Army had come to an end.

· The military junta jointly chaired the meeting between national coordinators and Committee of Permanent Representatives of the ASEAN.

· There has been heavy fighting near Sanse Village near Pyin Oo Lwin. The junta army has conducted aerial attacks there, along with thousands of junta soldiers and hundreds of military trucks on patrol on the ground.

· The holders of Passport for Job (PJ) have to pay tax depending on the country they would like to go to in their passport renewal even though they have never been abroad or they have never earned foreign income before.

· Due to Operation 1027 in Northern Shan State, the military junta has tightened security measures in Mandalay.

· At the time of heavy fighting in Northern Shan State, a member of Chinese National People’s Congress arrived in Naypyidaw and discussed it with the junta leader.

· On Wednesday, pro-military Telegram Channels started to spread the propaganda that the junta armed forces are to retreat if they are no longer in the position to defend in the battles of raid into their camps.

· According to the junta Ministry of Labour, they have made job vacancy announcement for over 30 doctors to serve social security clinics.

· The Chair of the junta Central Bank stated that they would set up a committee to prohibit financial fraud and take action in a timely manner.

· The junta Minister of Industry stated that the public and private factories have been producing 15% of the medicine for the country.

Summary on 2 November

· With a great loss in Northern Shan State, the junta leader Min Aung Hlaing discussed it with the member of Chinese National People’s Congress. In other words, he has been reporting to China with dependence.

· In Northern Shan State, the offensive war still has been in great momentum. The revolution forces have taken control of one town after another. As for the junta army, they have been disorganized and some of the regiments have given up arms.