Arakan Army builds pressure on Myanmar junta positions in Rakhine and Chin states


The Arakan Army (AA) reports that it has captured 142 Myanmar junta positions within the last 45 days as it builds pressure on the junta in Rakhine and Chin states.

The AA announced that during the 45-day duration of Operation 1027, they successfully captured army camps in 15 out of the 17 townships in Rakhine State as well as in Paletwa, Chin State, a total of 142 army camps, encompassing both large and small facilities, according to a statement on 14 December.

Operation 1027 was initiated by the Three Brotherhood Alliance including the AA, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) on 27 October in northern Shan State.

Specifically, among the 17 townships in Rakhine State, 125 junta camps were taken by the AA in 15 townships, excluding Gwa and Munaung townships. Additionally, 17 junta camps in Palatwa Township, Chin State, were also seized.

The statement further notes that the Aung Dai Chaungwa camp in Sittwe, the capital of Rakhine State, has been occupied. The majority of the junta camps captured by the AA are concentrated in Maungdaw, totaling 62 camps.

Gwa is a township on the border of Ayeyarwaddy Region, while Munaung is an island surrounded by water.

Than Soe Naing, a political and military analyst in Myanmar, explained that Munaung cannot be accessed through land operations by the AA. Instead, it necessitates sea operations, making it a city that will require time to attack.

“The Military Council has established a strategic camp in Munaung, comprising approximately three battalions. The unique challenge with Munaung Island is that any offensive must come from the sea, making the capture process a time-consuming endeavour,” the political analyst said.

Than Soe Naing claimed that while there is a prospect of Rakhine State being “liberated” in the near future, the AA must diligently prepare and take its time to engage in battles aimed at occupying the capital city Sittwe and capturing Ann City.

“There are two primary areas where military action needs to be carried out. One is Ann City, where the Western Military Command is located, and the other is Sittwe City. It is anticipated that surrounding and seizing these urban areas will require a significant amount of time. Consequently, while the prospect of liberating the entire Rakhine State is on the horizon, I acknowledge that the battles in these two locations will take time to conclude.”

Furthermore, Paletwa, located in Chin State, is highlighted as a target, with 17 military camps now occupied by the AA. Paletwa stands as the largest township in Chin State, boasting over 107,000 residents, with nearly 20,000 Rakhine ethnic people.

The AA has affirmed that the Three Brotherhood Alliance will persist in executing the military and political objectives initiated since Operation 1027.

The AA has also raised concerns, asserting that the Military Council’s forces are consistently targeting civilians who have no affiliations during the ongoing conflict.