Missile fired at Myanmar junta troops in Mandalay Palace


Defence forces fired a long-range 107mm missile into Mandalay Palace, which is being used by the junta as a Central Military Command, at about 9:00 p.m. on 31 December 2023.

An official from the No More Dictatorship People Defense Force (NMD PDF), one of the defence forces involved in the attack, said: “We launched the 107-mm missile attack to celebrate Revolutionary New Year.”

NMD PDF also sent the soldiers stationed at Mandalay Palace an ultimatum. It said that if they do not leave the palace within 48 hours the defence forces will continue attacking the palace with missiles that have already been strategically positioned in preparation for the attack.

The attack was carried out by a combined force from NMD PDF and the Security & Special Task Force (SSTF-MDY).

Previously, early in the morning of 21 December, NMD PDF and its allies fired six missiles at Mandalay Palace.